I have a client who wants a WiFi system but also wants to be able to completely turn off the access points (APs) when going to sleep. The WiFi schedule feature is not an option because it still emits WiFi signals without providing internet. The client doesn’t want any waves or signals at all – they are very particular about this.
The client could manually turn off each AP one by one through the app, but that would be too tedious. Is there a way to send a command to all APs at once to power them on/off?
Yes, it is a way but then you can put any brand of Wifi, the best thing is to use AltaLabas because it has this option implemented and you don’t have to add anything extra.
It would be ideal to do it directly from the app, as it is a simple and fast option that avoids the need for smart outlets and prevents users from using any other network brand that isn’t Altalabs. This would allow the end user to interact with the app and fall in love with it, just like many enthusiasts do with the Ub***ti app.
On the other hand, providing the option through the API would also be a great advantage, especially for customers who have a home control system.
I just noticed this thread and I posted a similar request that can be deleted. Just wanted to add my support for this to be done by adding a schedule option in each access points settings
Seems a little unrealistic to want to completely power off all APs while sleeping. I don’t think any manufacturer has a total power down option for a set time period only WiFi blocking.
My understating that this would be for people who for whatever reason don’t want wifi signals to be active at night. Taking the wifi out of AP mode and shutting the beacon down would have that effect. Not a feature that I’d care about, but I certainly know people who worry about that kind of thing.
I would guess that’s how it works for Unifi APs - which is what I use for WIFI. I’ve never tried it, but I’d think that if all the SSIDs are disabled, then the APs would go silent.