Route 10: Support for VPN Clients and PBR


Does the ‘Route 10’ support running a VPN client using Wiredguard / OpenVPN?
For example: ProtonVPN.

Is Policy Based Routing supported?

Basically need to route specified traffic over a VPN connection using Wireguard or OpenVPN clinets.

Client A: route VPN 1 list of FQDN

Client B: route VPN 2 list of IP addresses

Subnet : Route to a list of FQDN


The things you are asking about here are not available in the UI at this time. But, as always, stay tuned.

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Support for VPN servers added in Route10 firmware versions 1.3p and 1.3l:

Edit: @quackers pointed out that the question was about clients, so the above comment did’nt add much to the conversation. :face_with_peeking_eye:

yes these are SERVERs on Route 10, not what is being requested, such are 3rd party Proton VPN, etc

Ah, my bad. :face_with_peeking_eye: