Does the ‘Route 10’ support running a VPN client using Wiredguard / OpenVPN?
For example: ProtonVPN.
Is Policy Based Routing supported?
Basically need to route specified traffic over a VPN connection using Wireguard or OpenVPN clinets.
Client A: route VPN 1 list of FQDN
Client B: route VPN 2 list of IP addresses
Subnet : Route to a list of FQDN
The things you are asking about here are not available in the UI at this time. But, as always, stay tuned.
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Support for VPN servers added in Route10 firmware versions 1.3p and 1.3l:
Edit: @quackers pointed out that the question was about clients, so the above comment did’nt add much to the conversation. 
yes these are SERVERs on Route 10, not what is being requested, such are 3rd party Proton VPN, etc