POE light cycling on no POE device - S24-POE switch

Port 1 on my S24-POE switch keeps cycling the POE LED on and off at random intervals. The device plugged into port 1 is a non POE device, in fact it is a mini PC. Additionally in the controller I set POE to “Off” on that port. Is there a way in CLI for me to see if the switch is still actually trying to send POE power down that port? I don’t want to damaged the downstream PC.

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Interesting, can’t say I’m aware of other reports of this. At first glance, the most obvious thing could be cables, but if PoE is off, then that shouldn’t be relevant.

You can use this via shell to check the port status poe -p 0, which should give you the details (port count starts at 0 with this command, so interface 1 is 0, interface 2 is 1, etc). Specifically there is an Enabled parameter, and it should so 0 when PoE on the port is disabled.

Do you have a free PoE port? If so, what happens if you turn off PoE on that port and move this node to that port? Does the issue follow?

Yeah, I seem to be the one that reports all of the “I haven’t seen this anywhere else before” problems.

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Don’t mean to hijack, but I’m curious as to the vendor of the MiniPC. I have one here that has…let’s go with questionable hardware oddities. I’m wondering if it’s the same vendor.

It is an older HP Prodesk

Ah, not the same. But still…HP :laughing:

Fair, but it does nothing but run an instance of mailcow and was FREE.

You paid too much :rofl: :rofl:

I’m just kidding, no idea what HP is like these days, I’ve heard they’ve improved.

Ooh believe me they have major ups and downs, I think they are on a down right now. This is old though. It’s from this era that runs forever.

I confirmed this morning that POE was still enabled on the port. I originally changed POE to “off” when the switch was not online. The config did not push to the switch once it was back online… however, I found and reported a bug to Jeff about this already.

I was able to cycle POE from “default” to “off” again while the switch was online, and now it is in fact actually off.