Issue w/ Route10 + Tado

Hi @Alta-Matt_v2 , not sure if here it the correct topic, but I just bought a route10 router and I’ve been trying to add it to my current network which is mainly tp-link. I have 2 tp-links Deco X50-PoE WiFi6 Mesh connected to a tp-link poe switch. After I added the route10 I change the Deco X50 to AP mode. It seemed work fine at first, but then I started noticing that some of my smart devices looked not seemed to be connected sometimes.

But the main issue was my tado internet bridge which controls my heaters. It kept saying it could not to connect to the cloud. Basically the issue shown here: The ‘Cloud’ LED on the Internet Bridge is blinking, what does it mean? | Help Center for tado° V3+ and earlier devices.

I have tried to explicitly open all ports all protocol from route10 but still nothing. Only way it could make it work again was moving the deco x50 back to router mode and remove the route10.

My network on this thing is ISP ↔ Deco X50 ↔ tp-link managed switch ↔ Tado Bridge.

With route10 it was ISP ↔ route10 ↔ tp-link managed switch ↔ (Deco X50, Tado). This tado is connected to poe splitter that provides it power as well as internet connection. I have also tried to connect from route10 PoE+ to the Tado but this way it wasn’t even getting an DHCP address (the route led kept off).

Any idea why was these happening and how can I fix it?

How does the Tado Bridge appear in the devices tab of It will likely show as a wired device, but I’m curious if it’s getting an IP normally, then again when it’s reporting in a disconnected state.

What are the DNS servers being provided via DHCP?

I’m not sure if it was showing as wired or not, but the IP was showing as assigned to the tado in the device list. It looks like it was getting the IP normally. What was odd is that the IP was showing as assigned in the device list in route10 but when I accessed the tp-link deco x50 AP tado was showing as offline, but based on the led on tado internet bridge an ip had been assigned to the device but still the cloud led kept blinking as if it could not connect to the cloud tado site. From the site page it was also showing tado bridge as disconnected.

I have a local DNS (unbound + pihole), but I disabled it just to be sure it wasn’t the root cause. I tried the route10 default and later,, but no success. Now that I disconnected the route10 and using the tplink deco as a router and with my local dns all is working back normally.

Another issue I noticed was that some of my smart plugs and lights was showing offline when I first open my smart life app in my iphone but after a couple of seconds it shows it back online. On the other hand, my automation using the smart life stopped worked with route10 as well.

I hope these info helps to identify what the issue is. Thanks!

If the internal DNS you have set up worked with the X50, then it would work with the Route10, so that’s unlikely to be the cause.

If you’re changing DNS, keep in mind that those changes won’t occur until the DHCP lease is renewed. If you’re at the default lease time in the Route10 (24 hours), then the DNS changes will take a maximum of 12 hours to get passed down to the client devices, depending on where they are in their respective lease timing.

The Route10 isn’t blocking anything by default, so there should be no prevention of cloud communication between the devices and Tado.

With a standard computer behind the Route10, are you able to ping

I’ve been using my local DNS since yesterday morning with no noticeable issue initially. I notice at first some odd behavior of my smart lights and plugs like I mentioned but I thought could be something minor. Only today afternoon that I noticed that tado bridge was off line from the tado app and in other to troubleshooting the issue I decided to change the DNS to default one but didn’t worked. Later I changed to, After those change I restarted my entire network turning all network devices off and on again after a couple of min. Nothing worked. I have even started to think that the issue could be with the bridge. That’s when I decide to bring back my previous network configuration and all worked back again with no issues.

With a standard computer behind the Route10, are you able to ping

You can plug the W1 interface of the Route10 into your existing network if you like, you would simply need to plug the standard computer into one of the LAN ports of the Route10 to perform this test.

Route10 is configured to connect to my ISP via ppoe and in VLAN 10. My internal network uses VLAN 1. Should I create another VLAN in route10?

On this configuration should I also connect Tado behind the route10? I tried something like that before when route10 was the main router. My Tado is connected to a splitter and the splitter connect to a poe tp-link switch. When I tried to connect the splitter to the POE+ port of the router10 it looked like even the IP wasn’t been assigned because the route led in Tado bridge wasn’t even lighting on. I then thought it could be an incompatibility between POE+ and POE splitter.

2 things to keep in mind:

  • Tado bridge works in 10 Mbit/half duplex mode only, not all network gear likes that. Maybe some advertisement/handshake issues here?
  • Tado bridge doesn’t like the PoE-to-micro-USB-splitter too much, for whatever reason. I had constant issues with this setup, until the point where I used an old 5V/1A iPhone adapter, only then everything worked fine.

I did a couple of new tests based on what @Alta-Matt_v2 suggested above and here are my findings.

I connected a computer and Tado bridge behind the route10. Also based on @TeWe notes above, I didn’t use the splitter and connected an independent power source to the bridge. The port where the Tado bridge was connected didn’t light up, but the power led on Tado was always on.

Later I connected my tplink switch to the same port, in route10, where the tapo bridge was connected on my previous test. With this config, this time route10 was able to assign an IP address to Tado and it was reachable from the computer behind route10 (tested via ping to the IP assigned). On the flip side, again Tado could not connect to the cloud address again (the cloud led kept blinking).

Then I moved all back to my old network stack and all started working back again.

In conclusion, it seems route10 cannot talk with Tado bridge connected directly to route10 (not even the led in route10 lights up with this configuration) neither via tp-link switch in between (route10 port led lights up and an IP is assigned to Tado but still it cannot connect to the cloud server)!

Could this issue be some handshaking issue? Any thoughts?!

Sounds like a 10 Mbit/half duplex issue as stated above.
Someone at Alta needs to test this scenario.

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A few thoughts…

With a standard computer behind the Route10, are you able to ping

Even if the Tado bridge was negotiating at 10Mbit/half duplex, there would still be a link light on the Route10, it would be amber.

I think I’m a bit confused. The Tado bridge you keep mentioning appears to be WiFi only, no Ethernet. What exactly are you plugging in to the Route10 that is not giving a link light? Or am I looking at the wrong product altogether?

I can connect to from the computer behind route10.

The Tado bridge is wired.

When I connect the bridge to the router no link lights are on.

When I connect my switch to route10 and the bridge to the switch then the link blue lights in route10 is on and the link light between my switch and Tado is on and amber.

An IP is assigned as I could see from alta manage cloud controller.

I ping from the computer to that IP and it responds, but no cloud connection of my Tado (the bridge cloud led keep flashing).

Accessing Tado app or cloud the bridge is show as offline and the cloud led in Tado was blinking non stop.

PS.: this forum keep saying I need to wait a couple of hour to reply. Is it possible to remove this restriction. It makes pretty hard to reply your message post in timely manner.

The time limitation between posts should be removed for you.

I’m going to DM you my email address to invite me to your site. I suspect the developers will want to take a look at this.

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Hi @Alta-Matt_v2,

I just got it working right now, but still not consistent and doesn’t works all the time.

I connect the bridge to L2 port and manually selected the 10Mbps half duplex speed, then I select auto and then back to default and after some secs the port amber light turn on the cloud led on Tado bridge also turned constantly on.

I still think some investigation is needed. Looks like some sort of bug.


@Alta-Matt_v2, I did a couple of more tests and it looks like that if I select and speed first and then move back to default it then can handshake with the Tado bridge.

Even if I manually select 10m half duplex it doesn’t work still.

Pretty weird!

@Alta-Matt_v2 , today I did another test. I connected route10 to my ISP as the main router to give internet connection to my network.

I connected my tplink switch to route10 and changed my deco x50 back to AP mode.

The tapo bridge is now behind this switch and now the same issue is happening again.

Can you DM me the MAC of the bridge? I’d like to run a packet capture to see what it’s trying to do and that may also reveal why it’s failing to establish comms to their cloud.

Let me know if you need anything else. My smart iot also has been working strangely when behind the route10. Could it be some incompatibility between route10 and tp-link switch and AP?

Doubtful, but you’d have to elaborate on what “acting strangely” means.

I just did the packet capture. What is the status of the Tado bridge currently? Not communicating with the cloud? What device and interface is it plugged into right now?