Hardware Control doesn't show devices but cloud does

The setup I have is Route10 → PoE → Control.
I have tried resetting multiple times, but when I log into my hardware controller, it shows no devices at all.
When I sign into the cloud-based controller, everything is there as it should be.

Any idea how I can fix this?


Why not try and help instead of bashing. Give these Alta folks a chance to correct things.


It’s working great in tons of live environments. You just have the patience of a toddler with your “bug” reports. You also like to run your mouth like a know it all but really you know nothing. In another post you accused Alta of using end of life versions of OpenWRT and outdated packages but were 100% wrong on everything you wrote. :rofl:

I don’t know what your malfunction is but I have had enough and you will be the only person on my ignore list. You hate the product so much but have nothing else to do but troll the community forum? What a clown.

Wow, you take for what alta told you for granted?

opkg list-installed

avahi-nodbus-daemon - 0.8-9
base-files - 1459-1.3s
black - 1.0-1
busybox - 1.33.1-11
ca-bundle - 20210119-1
ca-certificates - 20210119-1
cgi-io - 2021-09-08-98cef9dd-20
conntrack - 1.4.6-3
curl - 7.76.0-1
dnsmasq-full - 2.85-16
drill - 1.8.3-1
dropbear - 2022.82-19
e2fsprogs - 1.45.6-2
ebtables - 2018-06-27-48cff25d-1
etherwake - 1.09-5
ethtool - 5.10-1
fdisk - 2.36.1-2
fiber_led - 1
firewall - 2021-03-23-61db17ed-1
freeradius3 - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-common - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-default - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-democerts - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-always - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-attr-filter - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-chap - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-detail - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-digest - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-eap - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-eap-gtc - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-eap-md5 - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-eap-mschapv2 - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-eap-peap - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-eap-pwd - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-eap-tls - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-eap-ttls - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-exec - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-expiration - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-expr - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-files - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-logintime - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-mschap - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-pap - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-preprocess - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-radutmp - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-realm - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-mod-unix - 3.0.26-3
freeradius3-utils - 3.0.26-3
fstools - 2021-01-04-c53b1882-1
fwtool - 2019-11-12-8f7fe925-1
gdbserver - 10.1-1
getrandom - 2020-10-25-9ef88681-2
haveged - 1.9.17-1
htpdate - 1.3.7-1
https-dns-proxy - 2022-10-15-10
ip-full - 5.11.0-3
ip6tables - 1.8.7-1
iperf3 - 3.9-1
ipset - 7.6-1
iptables - 1.8.7-1
iptables-mod-conntrack-extra - 1.8.7-1
iptables-mod-extra - 1.8.7-1
iptables-mod-filter - 1.8.7-1
iptables-mod-ipopt - 1.8.7-1
iptables-mod-ipsec - 1.8.7-1
iptables-mod-nat-extra - 1.8.7-1
iptables-mod-physdev - 1.8.7-1
iptables-mod-trace - 1.8.7-1
iptables-mod-u32 - 1.8.7-1
jq - 1.7.1-1
jshn - 2021-05-16-b14c4688-2
jsonfilter - 2018-02-04-c7e938d6-1
kernel - 5.4.154-1-881abd6a80c48799af07e83260a901b2
kmod-asn1-decoder - 5.4.154-1
kmod-black-kernel - 5.4.154-1
kmod-bonding - 5.4.154-1
kmod-br-netfilter - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-acompress - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-aead - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-authenc - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-cbc - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-ctr - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-deflate - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-des - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-echainiv - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-hash - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-hmac - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-lib-blake2s - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-lib-chacha20 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-lib-chacha20poly1305 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-lib-curve25519 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-lib-poly1305 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-manager - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-md5 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-null - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-pcompress - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-rng - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-seqiv - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-sha1 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-sha256 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-crypto-user - 5.4.154-1
kmod-dummy - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ebtables - 5.4.154-1
kmod-gpio-button-hotplug - 5.4.154-3
kmod-gre - 5.4.154-1
kmod-gre6 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ip6-tunnel - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ip6tables - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipsec - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipsec4 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipsec6 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-conntrack - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-conntrack-extra - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-core - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-debug - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-extra - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-filter - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-hashlimit - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-ipopt - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-ipsec - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-ipset - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-nat - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-nat-extra - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-offload - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-physdev - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-raw - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-raw6 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ipt-u32 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-iptunnel - 5.4.154-1
kmod-iptunnel4 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-iptunnel6 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-l2tp - 5.4.154-1
kmod-leds-gpio - 5.4.154-1
kmod-lib-crc-ccitt - 5.4.154-1
kmod-lib-textsearch - 5.4.154-1
kmod-lib-zlib-deflate - 5.4.154-1
kmod-lib-zlib-inflate - 5.4.154-1
kmod-macvlan - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nat46 - 5.4.154+2020-08-17-362640b4-1
kmod-nf-conntrack - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nf-conntrack-netlink - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nf-conntrack6 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nf-flow - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nf-ipt - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nf-ipt6 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nf-nat - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nf-nathelper - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nf-nathelper-extra - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nf-reject - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nf-reject6 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nfnetlink - 5.4.154-1
kmod-nls-base - 5.4.154-1
kmod-ppp - 5.4.154-1
kmod-pppoe - 5.4.154-1
kmod-pppol2tp - 5.4.154-1
kmod-pppox - 5.4.154-1
kmod-qca-nss-dp - 5.4.154+g1-1
kmod-qca-nss-ecm-standard - 5.4.154+g1-1
kmod-qca-nss-ppe - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-bridge-mgr - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-ds - 5.4.154+g1-1
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-gretap - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-l2tp - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-lag-mgr - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-mapt - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-mirror-test - 5.4.154+g1-1
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-netlink - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-pppoe-mgr - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-qdisc - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-rule - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-tun - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-tunipip6 - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-vlan-mgr - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-vp - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-ppe-vxlanmgr - 5.4.154+g1-2
kmod-qca-nss-sfe - 5.4.154+g1-1
kmod-qca-ssdk-nohnat - 5.4.154+g1-1
kmod-sched-core - 5.4.154-1
kmod-scsi-core - 5.4.154-1
kmod-slhc - 5.4.154-1
kmod-tun - 5.4.154-1
kmod-udptunnel4 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-udptunnel6 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-usb-core - 5.4.154-1
kmod-usb-dwc3-internal - 5.4.154+1-1
kmod-usb-dwc3-qcom-internal - 5.4.154+1-1
kmod-usb-gadget - 5.4.154-1
kmod-usb-phy-ipq807x - 5.4.154+1-1
kmod-usb-storage - 5.4.154-1
kmod-usb3 - 5.4.154-1
kmod-vxlan - 5.4.154-1
kmod-wireguard - 5.4.154-1
kmod-wireguard-compat - 5.4.154+1.0.0-e51000795ece02ffd9147defb7ba382dcfb8c0e3
kmod-xfrm-interface - 5.4.154-1
libatomic1 - 8.4.0-3
libattr - 2.5.1-1
libavahi-nodbus-support - 0.8-9
libbfd - 2.35.1-2
libblkid1 - 2.36.1-2
libblobmsg-json20210516 - 2021-05-16-b14c4688-2
libbpf0 - 5.10.10-2
libbz2-1.0 - 1.0.8-1
libc - 1.1.24-3
libcap - 2.43-1
libcap-ng - 0.8.4-1
libcares - 1.17.1-1
libcomerr0 - 1.45.6-2
libctf - 2.35.1-2
libcurl4 - 7.76.0-1
libdaemon - 0.14-5
libdb47 -
libdw1 - 0.180-1
libedit - 20210522-3.1-1
libelf1 - 0.180-1
libev - 4.31-1
libevent2-7 - 2.1.12-1
libexpat - 2.2.10-1
libext2fs2 - 1.45.6-2
libfdisk1 - 2.36.1-2
libffi - 3.3-2
libgcc1 - 8.4.0-3
libgdbm - 1.18.1-2
libgmp10 - 6.2.1-1
libhavege - 1.9.17-1
libip4tc2 - 1.8.7-1
libip6tc2 - 1.8.7-1
libipset13 - 7.6-1
libjson-c5 - 0.15-2
libjson-script20210516 - 2021-05-16-b14c4688-2
libldns - 1.8.3-1
liblua5.1.5 - 5.1.5-9
liblucihttp-lua - 2022-07-08-6e68a106-1
liblucihttp0 - 2022-07-08-6e68a106-1
liblz4-1 - 1.9.3-1
liblzma - 5.2.5-3
liblzo2 - 2.10-4
libmnl0 - 1.0.4-2
libncurses6 - 6.2-3
libnetfilter-conntrack3 - 1.0.8-1
libnetfilter-cthelper0 - 1.0.0-2
libnetfilter-cttimeout1 - 1.0.0-2
libnetfilter-queue1 - 1.0.5-4
libnetsnmp - 5.9.1-7
libnfnetlink0 - 1.0.1-4
libnl-core200 - 3.5.0-1
libnl-genl200 - 3.5.0-1
libnl-nf200 - 3.5.0-1
libnl-route200 - 3.5.0-1
libnl-tiny1 - 2020-08-05-c291088f-2
libnl200 - 3.5.0-1
libopcodes - 2.35.1-2
libopenssl-conf - 1.1.1l-1
libopenssl1.1 - 1.1.1l-1
libpcap1 - 1.9.1-3
libpcre - 8.44-3
libpopt0 - 1.16-2
libpthread - 1.1.24-3
libpython3-3.9 - 3.9.18-1
libreadline8 - 8.1-1
librt - 1.1.24-3
libsmartcols1 - 2.36.1-2
libsqlite3-0 - 3400000-1
libss2 - 1.45.6-2
libtalloc - 2.3.4-1
libubox20210516 - 2021-05-16-b14c4688-2
libubus-lua - 2021-06-30-4fc532c8-2
libubus20210630 - 2021-06-30-4fc532c8-2
libuci20130104 - 2020-10-06-52bbc99f-5
libuclient20201210 - 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1
libustream-openssl20201210 - 2020-12-10-68d09243-1
libuuid1 - 2.36.1-2
libwebsockets-black - 4.3.3-1
libxtables12 - 1.8.7-1
libyaml - 0.2.5-1
libzstd - 1.4.9-1
lldpd - 1.0.7-1
logrotate - 3.17.0-1
losetup - 2.36.1-2
lrzsz - 0.12.20-2
lua - 5.1.5-9
luci-base - git-22.228.76945-913d2f9
luci-lib-base - git-20.232.39649-1f6dc29
luci-lib-ip - git-20.250.76529-62505bd
luci-lib-jsonc - git-22.079.54693-45f411b
luci-lib-nixio - git-22.222.71555-88b9088
mcjoin - v2.11-1
mdns - 51b635e0-1
miniupnpd-iptables - 2.3.7-1
mtd - 26
mtr-nojson - 0.95-3
nano-plus - 8.0-1
netcat - 0.7.1-2
netifd - 2021-07-26-440eb064-1
nrf-dfu - 1.0-1
objdump - 2.35.1-2
odhcp6c - 2021-01-09-53f07e90-16
openssh-sftp-server - 8.4p1-4
openssl-util - 1.1.1l-1
openvpn-openssl - 2.5.8-5
openwrt-keyring - 2021-02-20-49283916-2
opkg - 2021-06-13-1bf042dd-1
perf - 5.4.154-4
picocom - 3.1-5
poe_util - 1
ppp - 2.4.8.git-2020-10-03-3
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.8.git-2020-10-03-3
ppp-mod-pppol2tp - 2.4.8.git-2020-10-03-3
ppp-mod-radius - 2.4.8.git-2020-10-03-3
procd - 2021-02-23-37eed131-6
python3 - 3.9.18-1
python3-asyncio - 3.9.18-1
python3-base - 3.9.18-1
python3-cgi - 3.9.18-1
python3-cgitb - 3.9.18-1
python3-codecs - 3.9.18-1
python3-ctypes - 3.9.18-1
python3-dbm - 3.9.18-1
python3-decimal - 3.9.18-1
python3-distutils - 3.9.18-1
python3-email - 3.9.18-1
python3-gdbm - 3.9.18-1
python3-light - 3.9.18-1
python3-logging - 3.9.18-1
python3-lzma - 3.9.18-1
python3-multiprocessing - 3.9.18-1
python3-ncurses - 3.9.18-1
python3-openssl - 3.9.18-1
python3-pydoc - 3.9.18-1
python3-readline - 3.9.18-1
python3-sqlite3 - 3.9.18-1
python3-unittest - 3.9.18-1
python3-urllib - 3.9.18-1
python3-xml - 3.9.18-1
python3-yaml - 5.3.1-2
qca-cnss-daemon - g1-1
qca-qmi-framework - g1-1
qca-ssdk-shell - g1-1
qca-thermald - g1-1
resize2fs - 1.45.6-2
resolveip - 2
rpcd - 2021-03-11-ccb75178-1
rpcd-mod-file - 2021-03-11-ccb75178-1
rpcd-mod-luci - 20210614
screen - 4.8.0-2
snmpd - 5.9.1-7
sqlite3-cli - 3400000-1
strongswan - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-charon - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-charon-cmd - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-default - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-ipsec - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-libtls - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-aes - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-attr - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-connmark - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-constraints - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-des - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-dhcp - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-dnskey - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-eap-identity - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-eap-md5 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-eap-mschapv2 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-eap-radius - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-eap-tls - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-fips-prf - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-gmp - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-hmac - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-kernel-netlink - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-md4 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-md5 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-mgf1 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-openssl - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-pem - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-pgp - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-pkcs1 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-pkcs12 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-pubkey - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-random - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-rc2 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-resolve - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-revocation - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-sha1 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-sha2 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-socket-default - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-sshkey - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-stroke - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-updown - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-vici - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-x509 - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-xauth-generic - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-mod-xcbc - 5.9.11-2
strongswan-swanctl - 5.9.11-2
suricata-bin - 1
tc-full - 5.11.0-3
tc-mod-iptables - 5.11.0-3
tcpdump - 4.9.3-3
terminfo - 6.2-3
uacme - 1.6-1
ubi-utils - 2.1.2-1
uboot-envtools - 2021.01-11
ubox - 2020-10-25-9ef88681-2
ubus - 2021-06-30-4fc532c8-2
ubusd - 2021-06-30-4fc532c8-2
uci - 2020-10-06-52bbc99f-5
uclient-fetch - 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1
uhttpd - 2021-03-21-15346de8-2
uhttpd-mod-lua - 2021-03-21-15346de8-2
urandom-seed - 3
urngd - 2020-01-21-c7f7b6b6-1
usign - 2020-05-23-f1f65026-1
wireguard-tools - 1.0.20210223-2
xfrm - 3
xl2tpd - 1.3.18-1
xz-utils - 5.2.5-3
zlib - 1.2.11-3
zoneinfo-africa - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-asia - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-atlantic - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-australia-nz - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-core - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-europe - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-india - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-northamerica - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-pacific - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-poles - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-simple - 2021a-1
zoneinfo-southamerica - 2021a-1
zstd - 1.4.9-1

@jaianna I’ve sent an official warning via message as that’s how Discourse works—this is a public warning to stop attacking other forum members. I understand you’re frustrated by your experience, but there’s a clear difference between being constructive and being disrespectful. Personal attacks and inflammatory language cross the line and will not be tolerated. We value honest feedback and aim to address all concerns, but we also need to maintain a respectful and productive environment for everyone. Any further behaviour like this will result in appropriate action, up to and including suspension from the forum.

Regarding your testing methodology, while torrenting over a VPN is a valid way to evaluate certain aspects of real-world traffic, it should be complemented with other testing methods for a more accurate reflection of multi-gigabit performance, especially at 10Gbps. Torrenting is a valid real-world use case, but it isn’t representative of other types of real-world traffic. Tools like iperf3 or large, well-provisioned CDN downloads can provide additional insights into your connection’s true potential when used alongside torrenting tests.

I don’ t know if you are referencing the thread I commented on previously where I noticed a speed issue, or another one. For context, I’m limited by the NICs I have on hand, but so far I’ve had no issues saturating my 2.5Gbps NIC’s TCP performance, maintaining ~2.38Gbps down over 70-80 minutes without fluctuations. I am seeing about a ~450Mbps discrepancy downstream on my symmetrical WAN in that other thread, but please note that it only occurs when Route10 is handling PPPoE. Is your WAN using PPPoE as well? I didn’t see that clarified anywhere, and knowing this would help ensure we’re comparing apples to apples.

@jaianna referenced utilizing an ONU SFP which at times may come with it’s slew of requirements at the supporting device end.

Not sure if this helps but I’ve attached a data sheet @Alta-MikeD

1 Like

I’m in the same boat right now with some oddities in regards to speed, but I have not had the time to fully troubleshoot at the moment and I believe it to be more of an issue on my end and configuration rather than something related to the Route10. Happy to provide any info that I can though if needed!

EDIT: Noticed the reply didn’t really work as intended, but I am using an XGS-PON module in SFP WAN port.

Sorry, @kimchi, I did not look at your issue.

I think there may be a bit of a misunderstanding here. The cloud and local control instances are completely separate. If all of your devices are managed via the cloud, then they would not be present in the local control instance at the same time, and vice versa.

Eventually the on-premises Control instances will have an optional tie-in to link with a cloud account, but that isn’t yet available.

Does that help align your expectations here?

Appreciate you sharing the specs!

Also, sorry, I hadn’t gone through his posting history. My mention was about a random comment he made on another topic that I participated in, where I did replicate an issue with speed specifically related to PPPoE. I have no clue if that’s what he’s referring to above about one of us replicating something…

I’m not saying there aren’t issue(s) he’s encountering. When we’re presented with issues, we want to fix them, we don’t pretend like they don’t exist. We may ask for data, or to perform more testing and report back, but that’s part of the process.

I edited out what prompted me to make my prior statement. Attacking our customers is not acceptable. I am not repeating what he said, but if that behaviour continues, well… We need to keep things constructive and play nicely around here, that’s it. Thanks in advance!


Having an option to migrate to or from the cloud is one of those features that people just expect to be there. I made the mistake of using my phone to change the initial subnet, not realizing that I was hooking the router to the cloud version of the controller. Took me a while to figure out that I had to delete the setup on the cloud and start over (and then go through a fair bit of trouble to route my local controller to the 192.168.1.x subnet). One of the basic rules of UX design is that you shouldn’t let your users easily back themselves into a corner.

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Did you even read my posts thoroughly? I never mentioned torrenting over a VPN. I have over 5000 seeders and fewer than 10 peers. I’ve conducted hour-long torrent tests on both Route10 and MikroTik at different times of day and have ruled out ISP traffic shaping and hardware limitations. On MikroTik, I was able to consistently max out speeds without the fluctuations I encountered with other setups. Regarding iperf3, I’ve already shared a screenshot showing 1.89 Gbps download and 2.3 Gbps upload, measured from the device to the router. And just to clarify, I’m not using PPPoE—this is purely about the speed from my device to the router via LAN, so PPPoE is irrelevant in this case. I’ve been trying to be constructive in addressing my issues, but all I’ve received are vague responses with no concrete solutions. If this continues, I’m more than capable of sharing my detailed testing results and documentation on other networking forums. Taking this discussion elsewhere could negatively impact Altalabs’ reputation. Is that really what you want to happen?

Just to clarify, I’m testing on the 2.5Gbps port, and I have no issues with the SFP port. Are you seriously suggesting that my 10Gbps connection, with over 5000 seeders and 1000 seedbox IPs across the globe, is somehow limiting my torrent speeds? I’m seeing an initial burst of 180MB/s, followed by a sharp drop to 20-30MB/s—this doesn’t seem normal to me. You can blame it on torrents or the ISP all you want, but the real question is: why does MikroTik handle the max speed without issues, while all these problems only surface with Route10? It’s becoming clear that Route10 is a subpar product.

If you guys were genuinely interested in helping to figure out the issue, reaching out to me for more in-depth tests or asking for additional debug logs would have been a step in the right direction. But no, I haven’t been contacted at all.

Yep! Big thank you to @Beaker as they had helped me via DM’s and let me know that the controllers are exclusive to each other.

Maybe some form of a note during the router’s setup would be helpful to avoid this, but I’m also just new to all this, not sure if it was just common knowledge I missed out on.

Looking forward to seeing the link between the cloud and local controller, awesome stuff so far.

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Man you sure get worked up over a router. Perhaps go look at some of the other options out there that might better suite whatever it is you are trying to accomplish.


Man, this is the second time over the weekend you have recommended people just leave the platform.

Whether you believe people’s frustration with the product is justified or not is irrelevant. There isn’t a person on here that spent their money on a product, beta tested it, then decided to trash talk it on the forum for fun. If they are anything like me, they probably shared some genuine excitement to see such a product come to the market, hence why they purchased it. Only to be disappointed several times over, and when reaching out to the community they get told to leave.

Your comments will eventually hurt their bottom dollar, these are public forums after all.


Fair enough. I’ll see myself out.

@kimchi , Anytime!


It might be a nice touch if users had the ability to see an actively discovered and connected “Control” device on the splash page during the initial Route10 setup. Possibly a reserved area that would show the IP, MAC, Etc, or even allow the user to be re-directed to the control splash page.

This way users have an option right then and there to either be directed to the local controller for initial set up or pivot and go the cloud based route. Just a thought.

“reaching out to the community” is not being being a troll saying your going to make a youtube video breaking the router with a hammer. Then making up false things about the product 100% of which were untrue, and then threatening some bad review extortion for a cherry on top.

And FYI, Alta does have a real support phone number everyone is welcome to use:


I suspect some rather sit here to trash and argue with employees and customers instead of solving the problem though.


Please hear me out for moment. As a current TiK owner, I will say that they too had to start some where at one point, along with plenty of other players in the industry. You, as with anyone else who owns a TiK knows that the process for submitting issues and bugs is not any easier, especially without a support contract.

Yes, you’ve identified an anomaly. No one is denying that.

Yes, I’m sure it’s important, along with any and all requests that are flowing over to the folks at Alta.

We understand that you’re expecting immediate results, but there’s always some level of risk involved with any update. Give these folks a chance to resolve things accordingly.

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet” - Aristotle



I understand your concerns and appreciate the importance of sharing feedback on products. I’ve used both the Firewalla Gold and the Alta Labs Router 10, so I’d like to offer my perspective.

The Firewalla Gold Pro is undeniably stable, feature-rich, and well-established in the market, but it comes with a hefty price tag. On the other hand, the Alta Labs Router 10 offers 10 Gbps performance for just $200, which is remarkable for a product in this price range.

Alta Labs has been clear from the start that the Router 10 is still evolving. As a relatively new product, it’s expected to have some bugs, and the team is working on improvements over time. Personally, my experience with the Router 10 has been very positive—my internet is more stable now than it has been in years. While I’m waiting for features like Deep Packet Inspection (as I use the Omada controller), the current stability and performance meet my needs, especially at this price point.

That said, I think it’s important to approach the product with realistic expectations. If the issues you’re facing are too frustrating or if you feel the product isn’t worth the $200 price tag, an alternative like the Firewalla Gold Pro may be a better fit, even if it costs significantly more.

Ultimately, the key here is to provide constructive feedback. Sharing your experience is valuable, but it’s most effective when it’s calm, balanced, and acknowledges the product’s context and price point. Constructive criticism can help both the developers and the community without fostering negativity.

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I’ve shared quite a bit of detailed information on my other topics, including this one: (Imgur: The magic of the Internet). From what I can gather, there seems to be a noticeable bottleneck on all the LAN ports, possibly due to some strange QoS or flow control configurations.

I still haven’t received an explanation for why one of the ports is always enabled for flow control. It just feels like they’re either ignoring the problem or don’t have the solution, and are choosing not to address it for now.