Control 1.0k Released! (cloud & on-premises)

We are thrilled to introduce the new release of Control, now available for both cloud and on-premises management. This update brings the following key improvements:

  • Switches: Add support for DHCP guard
  • Switches: Display traffic per port
  • Topology: Resolve issues with connected devices and Route10 placement
  • WiFi Device graph: Display historical AP and signal strength
  • RADIUS Server: Fix interim update
  • Route10: Add support for UPNP options
  • Route10: Add support for MDNS options
  • Route10: Add support for “ignore” IP address, for debugging
  • Route10: Add support for mitigating overlapping LAN subnet on initial setup
  • Route10: Resolve issues setting lease time, domain name, and DNS servers
  • WANs: Allow IPv6 addresses for DNS servers
  • WANs: Fix metric option

Here are the full running changelogs for both platforms:

If you have any questions let us know, and as usual if you notice anything please feel free to reply here, or create a new topic, including the details of the issue encountered. Thanks!


Very nice work!

Spider-Man 2 Dancing GIF by PlayStation


Hey @Alta-MikeD Where is the WiFi Device graph found?

I think I’ve pressed every button on the controller pages and still can’t find it :melting_face:

It is part of the information displayed if you hover your mouse over the graph on the right side of devices in the “Device” list.


Do you have a screenshot of this? Want to make sure I’m understanding what this actually is.

Nevermind, guessing this part. Was expecting a separate graph showing this information and not built into the Traffic data.


I agree with what you were expecting, but yes that is what they are referring to.


Thanks I see it now!

Switch won’t show traffic for a port if multiple IPs. For example, I have my Linux machine on Port 7, which hosts my Alta Control Docker container. It shows no traffic.

Same thing for my Proxmox machine, Multiple IPs, but not showing traffic.

This is known. Check out this thread: Bug with manage - #13 by Alta-Josh