5 ports small switch with PoE in

Hi all,

Is the switches family closed for a while or are you open to suggestions?

If product line is open to new models, if I may, I would suggest to add a switch with PoE-In in your portfolio. IMHO it is quite useful in our homes.

Just thinking in a managed switch with 5 ports powered by PoE. No need to PoE out (but, of course, a variante with PoE passthrough will have also its market)

Doing a research, I’ve only found the Ubiquiti USW-Flex-Mini, the Mikrotik RB260GS (not 802.11af/at but passive) and the NetGear GS105PE (seems no longer available but from second hand) and the DGS-1100-05PDV2.

I feel like it would be a nice addition in your portfolio for regular homes. Just think on those living room/tv area full of devices with ethernet port but just one ethernet connector in the wall and no plug free to connect another power adapter. Sure, you can buy a bigger powerstrip but won’t be nicer an cleaner to put your small switch powered by PoE? :slight_smile:


I certainly understand what you mean, I’ve always tried to keep any streaming devices hardwired; I think it stems from the days where WiFi couldn’t handle FullHD :laughing: so it’s been a while. I have switches at 2 of my TVs and another is hardwired down to my core switch.

Yes, we are always welcoming suggestions. Our hardware and software development are extraordinarily community driven.

Doing PoE in isn’t that difficult, but coupling it with PoE out is problematic due to the input power limitation of being PoE. The switch itself would also consume power. Right now, 802.3bt (PoE++) is the best bet with 71.3W. And if you consider 802.3at (PoE+) at the required 30W per port. So we’d have to be sure that the switch itself won’t consume more than 11W of power and then we’d only be able to provide PoE out on 2 ports to truly call it a 802.3at compatible switch and wouldn’t be able to be compliant with 802.3bt because the switch has to draw some power. Of course, that’s pushing the numbers as far as they can stretch. the switch would be able to handle 802.3af devices much easier.

I would really be excited to see this posted in our feature requests and see what feedback the community has.

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Thanks @Alta-Matt_v2 for your suggestion (not able to add the switches tag to it, though)

Feature request raised and crossed fingers to see if it gets enough engagement: not sure if too many people still prefers wires over wifi these days. Definitely I prefer :joy:

Oh, I agree for sure. My least favorite activity is running cables, although I’m really good at terminating them. But if it means I never see a buffering ring… #worthit :laughing:

Just for visibility, this is the feature request in case anyone stumbles across this thread and wants to upvote it.

@Saltasaurus Do you mind if I edit the title? There’s no question our switches portfolio will continue to grow so the existing title is a tad on the vague side. If I were to edit it, it would probably be “Expand switches portfolio to include limited PoE powered switches” or something similar to make it more detailed.

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Thanks! :heart:

Sure! No problem at all. Really appreciated your comment: you’re right current subject is vague so I’ve edited it inspired by your kind suggestion but feel free to edit it at your best understanding (more knowledge on how forums work than myself for sure).

That looks good! Thanks for editing.