Wifi Hotspot Bug

I am using the AP6-Pro and have an issue with the hotspot feature.

I enabled the internal hotspot feature on one of my networks and it’s not working. I filled out all the fields -logo, TOS, password, final landing page, and when you connect to the wifi network it automatically prompts a redirect, but that webpage never loads. The webpage redirects to:
http://192-168-30-149.xxxxxxxxxxx.ddns.manage.alta.inc/hotspot.html (I took out the actual ddns name for privacy) but can PM as needed.
I am not sure where it’s getting that address - I don’t see that assigned in my DHCP settings. The .30 part is correct for that network as it’s on a VLAN 30 with that address. The device I’m connecting with has a different IP so it’s not passing off the IP of the connecting device. I tried pinging and it times out.

Is there a port forwarding rule or something that needs set up first that I missed? I just assumed it would do all the work in the cloud and communicate however it does normally to authenticate the user.

I did manage to get the login screen working once on my iPhone, however, I can’t get it working on my iPad or Windows computer. I didn’t actually sign in when it prompted on my iPhone, and have since changed a few settings. Now it connects to the network and doesn’t bring up the redirect. It just stays connected to the network.

The other issue that I’m seeing is that it doesn’t block network access until authenticated. It seemingly blocks some things, but I can still open some websites/apps, and such without having to use the hotspot page. Maybe it’s the protocol it’s using, because it’s hit or miss what works/doesn’t work. Maybe once I get the hotspot feature working like normal this problem will go away but wanted to mention it.

It sounds like your AP took some time to obtain a certificate for the hotspot, or at least it was when you first tried connecting to it. It sounds like it eventually was resolved by the time your other devices connected. The address would be the IP address of the AP on the SSID’s VLAN that it is serving. Once you’ve signed in on a device, that MAC address will be authorized for access across your Alta network for 4 hours (eventually to be configurable).

Are you still having issues? Once the AP obtains a certificate, it should work as expected. There are no port-forwarding rules required to set things up; the AP just needs to be able to reach out to Lets Encrypt via port 443.

I am still having issues. It left it a few days and tried again this evening. It does the same exact thing - the device connects and windows devices redirect to a non-resolving page. iPhone doesn’t even redirect.

@benmott Can you describe what VLANs you are using for the MGMT VLAN on the AP and the VLAN on the SSID(s)? Also, do you have any other non-default options enabled?

Management: VLAN1

Default Network VLAN: VLAN1

Guest Hotspot WiFi: VLAN30

Advance Features:
Fast Roaming
BSS Transition

I am not seeing and blocked flows in my Firewalla logs (attached)

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@benmott Do you have a DHCP server running on VLAN30, and do you see the AP and the guest obtaining an IP on there?

Yes, DHCP running on VLAN30. I also see the clients getting an address on VLAN30, but not the access points. They show up under the management VLAN1 DHCP.

@benmott Can I get an invite to understand why the AP may not be getting DHCP on VLAN30? I’ll reach out via DM.

just want to see if the issue was resolved, if so, what was the resolution…? I have exactly the same setup and the issue.

@Alta-Jeff , For me I tested the hotspot feature and it works, however If my device Is connected to a VPN when joining the SSID that has HotSpot turned on I never get the login page display and it just get right out to the internet via the VPN.

@miini Can you describe your setup and issue in more detail? Are you running the Guest portal on a different VLAN than the AP’s management VLAN?

@MichaelMuni Since it sounds like your issue may be separate from this original post, can you create a new topic, and include which OS and VPN client you are using? Typically a hot spot would only be available and function if that is your only internet connection / default gateway, and if you have another connection such as a VPN or wired connection, etc. it may be very dependent on your specific configuration for which routes the traffic will go through.

My none-working setup as below…


Wifi Security: Open
Management: VLAN1
Default Network VLAN: VLAN1
Guest Hotspot WiFi: VLAN21

Advance Features:
Fast Roaming
BSS Transition

AP IP address:
Client IP address:
When connected to this network, It will redirect to Hotspot page starts with http://192-168-21-10-xxxxxxxxxxxx.ddns.manage.alta.inc/hotspot.html and showing error message net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE

Working?(kinda…) setup
I changed the settings to below and got it working(sorta…)

Wifi Security: Open
Management: VLAN1
Default Network VLAN: VLAN1

Advance Features:
Fast Roaming
BSS Transition

AP IP address:
Client IP address:
When connected to the network, It redirected to Hotspot page starts with https://192-168-2-12-xxxxxxxxxxxx.ddns.manage.alta.inc/index.html and showed captive portal, but after retries with other devices, they are getting new error: net::ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH

Update#1 - Rebooted AP… it seems to be loading hotspot portal again… Going to wait for an hour and test again.
Update#2 - getting error on http://192-168-2-11-xxxxxxxxxxxx.ddns.manage.alta.inc/hotspot.html and showing error message net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE.( is another AP near

@miini Can I get an invite to your site? I have a debug firmware that should help.

I have the same issue, router mikrotik with 2 vlans, vlan 1 for management and a wifi network all works fine on it, but on vlan 10, I have a hotspot and it doesn´t show up the portal.

The server at 192-168-10-253.yjyfmcsv7vz.ddns.manage.alta.inc is taking too long to respond.

Hi @andres9591 we’ll check into this and get back to you…

We have replicated and will release a new firmware soon…

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I seem to be having this issue as well. Using AP6-Pro 2.0j the captive portal local hotspot works fine on the management VLAN. On non-management VLAN the portal page returns an unreachable address error.

@Scott Are you able to ssh to the AP and see if the AP has an IP address on the non-management VLAN after you’ve tried to connect to it on that non-management VLAN?

I have it working now. I had the network type set to Internet. Once I changed it to another type the splash page became accessible.