on the dash it matches (give or take a bit) with the actual download showing the same up.
but if you go into Devices nothing is uploading:
on the dash it matches (give or take a bit) with the actual download showing the same up.
but if you go into Devices nothing is uploading:
I think this is the intended behaviour.
If this includes a Route10, the Route10 is downloading from the internet and uploading to your devices. Your devices are downloading from the Route10.
The upload figure includes sending data to your devices - not just uploading to the internet.
Well that’s the way I read it?
Hmm, i did think that.
So is the dash across the estate then.
Not just internet…
So if you have lots of internal copying you will see download from server then upload to pc?
Yes it looks that way.
I just did a quick iperf3 test from my small server to my wireless iMac. The result was 642 Mbits/sec and the real time upload speed on my dashboard went up to about 2 GB/sec. That’s because it goes from my server > Route10 > Switch > AP > iMac. So the 3 Alta devices were all “uploading” at the same time.
My download speed was about 1.3 GB/sec as the AP wasn’t receiving anything from my iMac.