Terminal commands reference question?

Digging in to the features Ive got to the terminal window but Im wondering if there are any resources or references to common or useful commands (apart from rebooting)?

Secondarily, I can see the graph activity for traffic on the router, which look great, but is there an easy way to actually measure/report the bandwidth from the wan side(s)? Specially, it would be great to see actual stats on whether Im getting near my ISP bandwidth from the gateway but the graphing only seems to deal with data flow rates on the individual ports as they relate to individual devices (sorry if Im not wording that clearly).

There’s no documentation as far as I know. It’s debian though running openwrt if that helps.
One useful command is “iptables -vL”. That will show you how many hits all your firewall rules have had.
You can get wan throughput in the traffic dropdown - which shows traffic on each interface.

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It’s a busybox shell running openwrt. We make this open and available for users like you to dig in, but we do not support any unauthorized changes made through the shell.

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