When a topic is selected on mobile, the Share a Story and featured story of the week (which at this point has been the same featured story for months now) take up the entire phone screen. Every. Single. Topic. Opened. I think it would be better to put focus on the thread. Either by changing the header content while in the thread view, or at least put the thread text to the top of the screen so we can just start reading.
Thanks for the feedback! We’ll see what we can do after internal discussion.
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@mikesg I agree with you. I added that feature, but I’m no CSS expert. We’ll fix it… stay tuned
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Oh wow. It looks great from the point of view I was describing. Right to the content. I was thinking about the cumulative amount of time everyone spent scrolling past that info. Good move!
And I do appreciate a stories section to highlight installs and use cases.
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Thanks @mikesg !