SNMP monitoring AP's


Is there a possibility to monitor the ap’s with snmp.
for example to read out: cpu, memory, interface statics.



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SNMP is not currently supported, but it is on the roadmap for APs and switches (at least).

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Do we have a timeline here?
Thanks so much!

I see an option under Settings now for SNMP.

However, entering v2c community string (and no other snmp option fields populated), does not allow PRTG to pickup ‘SNMP Traffic’ sensor for an AP6 Pro.

Could not create the [SNMP Traffic]

The sensor does not get a response from the device you want to monitor. The reason might be that the SNMP credentials are wrong or that the device does not support the required uptime OID ( for traffic sensors. To resolve this issue, check the SNMP access rights of the device or contact the device vendor. (code: PE244)

Does something else need to be enabled? Or is this for switches only?

So far it appears to be enabled for switches only. I imagine APs are coming soon.