Slow speed AP6 Pro and AP6


I run in somewhat of an issus on my home network.

When speedtesting between my server and my computer on ethernet ( different VLAN and subnets ), with iperf3, got around 800mbit/s. When doing the same on WiFi, i’m stuck at max 35mbits/s.

When speedtesteing the two subnet to the wan, got the 400mbits/s of my internet connection.

So i’m having some bottlenecking somewhere.

Tried different channel/bandwith, to no avail.

The AP’s are not meshed.

Could you help me troubleshoot this issues/checking ?

Thank you !

Did some more test, seems an issue with the Tx from my laptop, but i don’t know if it is my Wifi controller on the laptop or the network.

Anyway, did the test in the other direction, and I get somewhere from 400mbit/s to 500mbit/s when I should be more near the Gbit/s.

Still investigating.

Can you share your tests and results directly? I think I understand your summary, but it isn’t fully clear what topology is involved in each test. Also, what is your iperf3 command?

  • What is your laptop and is it recent? Maybe it can be the wi-fi card inside.
  • What do you use as your router?
  • It is normal that wan speed tests vs local speed tests differ a lot. I would recommend you to test your wifi speed using a local speed test or iperf between devices since the wan speed test has too many variations.
  • Do you have some kind of IDS/IPS enabled?
  • Does the cable used to connect the AP map 1 Gbps or is it locked to 100 Mbps?

A schema of your network would help a lot in understanding the problem.

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Hello Josh,
Thank you for you response.

So the topology is as that :

iperf test was done with -c and -u -b 1G to stress test it.

Result are as follow :
-Laptop to server on ethernet( VLAN10 to VLAN50 ) = roughly 800Mbits/s
-Laptop to server on Wifi ( VLAN20 to VLAN 50 ) = capped at 35Mbits/s
-Server to Laptop on Wifi ( VLAN50 to VLAN20 ) = capped at 500Mbit/s
-Speedtest WAN on the Wifi, I sometime get near 400Mbits/s, which is the speed of my Internet connection.
-Speedtest WAN on the Server side get the same result

No major Wifi interference, tried different setting for the bandwith and channels too.

Hello L3houx,

-1 yeah old MSI Studio16 with Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz
-I use the route 10
-Those test were already done ( see my response to Josh )
-Tried with the IDS/IPS from the route 10 on and off
-All is in Cat6A 10G certified with a fluke tester

For the schema, see my response to Josh.

Thank you !

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It’s pretty strange… do you have firewall rules between these VLANs ? I would probably try to put the 2 devices in the same VLAN network to see if it can affect the speed tests (35mbps). Otherwise, it is hard to understand since you use the route10, Wifi 6 card, cat6 ethernet cables… :thinking:

Hello L3houx,

Tried with laptop in same subnet/vlan, same result :

Tried only in 5Ghz too, really i’m at a loss for what could be happening. My laptop advertise well Gbits speed too .

And no particular firewall rules between the VLANs

Got much better results by forcing the AP6-Pro 5Ghz to 160Mhz bandwith

I’m configured 5Ghz to 80Mhz since 160Mhz is more impacted by interferences.

Fortunately 160Mhz works well in my home, not much interference because walls are thick and block outside signals well. I’ll stay like that several days to see if it works well.

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