Set connection locally when down


I have bought a Route 10 to test it.
When I first access the web interface I can set up WAN.

But once adopted in management I can not edit WAN settings locally.

This will be a problem when my connection changes and I can not access it from management interface.

Or when I prepare all settings at the office, take it to customer and have to set up their fixed IP or PPPoe settings, I cannot do it.

Is there a way to get local access to WAN settings, once added to management controller?

If you need management access while the internet is down, you can use a local controller, either a Alta-branded Control hardware, or a docker/lxd controller.

It would be great to leave the WebGUI active as an option even if its like the initial setup one where you can set the internet options.

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So when I make misconfiguration, for example setting wrong IP, PPPoe credentials or wrong WAN VLAN and internet is gone. There is no way to fix this besides a factory reset of the router.

As far as Iā€™m aware unless you added your SSH key.