Scan Timed out. Please try again

I have two AP6 PRO AP’s both running firmware version 1.1p and I am finding that one of the units times out when running either a quick or full scan.

The other one works without issue.

Other than rebooting the unit via the Wen interface, is there anything else I can do to troubleshoot/resolve?

If you’re comfortable getting SSH setup (instructions can be found HERE), it would be handy to get the /var/log/messages file and the /proc/inspect file.

Simply do:

cat /var/log/messages

Copy/paste the content (a DM is OK if you’re concerned about privacy). Then repeat for /proc/inspect:

cat /proc/inspect

And copy/paste

One thing I have experienced as well, is if the AP is using a DFS channel and is waiting to broadcast (like you just powered it up) it times out until that channel starts broadcasting.
The other time I’ve seen that happen is when the AP has no clients.

Thanks, I’ll give that a try and send over the results.

It is running on a DFS channel whereas the one that will report a successful scan isn’t. However it is broadcasting with connected clients in my scenario. I may try a manual channel change to a non-DFS channel as a test.

Just to update my comment. Whilst the 5GHZ channel was broadcasting there weren’t actually any clients connected.

As a test I disabled the 5GHZ channel on that AP and following this it was able to perform a successful scan.

Am I right to assume that this is not intended behavior and are there plans in place to address this?

Am I right to assume that this is not intended behavior and are there plans in place to address this?

That is correct. We may have already fixed it in an updated firmware that we have not yet released. The diagnostic information I requested would help to determine whether or not your particular case would be resolved in the latest firmware.

I’ve just updated to firmware version 2.0a and have been able to successfully run a full scan on both of my access points which is very promising,

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Hello. I’m on 2.0s with two brand new AP6 Pros and am having the scan timed out issue when trying to initiate a quick or full scan.

One gotcha I have seen from time to time… make sure there are clients connected wirelessly to the AP before you scan. For some reason I have noticed if there are no clients attached, the scan usually times out.

@khammondnm Welcome to the community and thanks for the note. Please also make sure you have at least one SSID setup on the APs before you initiate your scan. If the issue persists, please let us know!

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I was able to get it to work, but there still seems to be an issue. First, I did have clients connected to both of my APs. When it was not working, I was working through the website portal a hardwired desktop (hardwired to a Unifi switch which is the same switch that the APs are connected to). What finally did work was opening the app on my phone which was wirelessly connected to one of the APs. I’m not sure if I was doing something that wasn’t possible or if this is a bug. Thank you for the great work, team!

@khammondnm You should be able to scan from any browser from within the project, wired or wireless, or from anywhere in the world. On rare occasion, we have seen a clearing of a browsers cache clear things up.

If you try that, and still cannot scan successfully, would you mind sharing what browser and browser version you are using along with what OS and what OS version?

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After upgrading to 2.0S I also get the scan request timed out on my AP6-PROs.
rebooted AP and I have client connected, still not working.

Browser: chrome, firefox and safari

I have the same problem since version 2.0s. Both scan options (Quick Scan and Full Scan) do not work any longer.

Scan Error - Scan Request Timed Out. Please make sure the device is connected, and try again.

I never had any problems with scanning before version 2.0s.
I have rebooted my AP6 Pro several times.
I tried it with different browsers and the Alta Ops PWA.

I can perform a quick scan and a full scan with my iOS beta app. So I am not lost :slight_smile: But I would be happy if the feature would return to browsers or PWA in the next update.

@Joachim any chance we can get access to your site so I can take a look?


Yes, no problem. I sent you an invitation. You have admin privileges. Thanks for your help.

Got it, let me take a look now…

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