Route10 offline management

For situations where setting up WAN connections (etc) results in no internet connection, it is impossible to access anything on the router.
Is it possible to provide offline management?

once provisioned, you can ssh into the router using it’s VLAN1 address and use standard linux tools to debug the issue.

Thanks, osc - although I have so far failed to make a connection to it.
However would be very helpful to be able to get to the UI offline and/or locally - although, after (finally) getting the R10 connected, I suspect there is no embedded GUI as such?
I guess this is why the Control box or cloud service is required although I have security (and privacy) concerns about the cloud service
I have been trying to configure the R10 (without Control) BEFORE I deploy it - but that is actually not possible. Requiring an internet connection AND an Alta account meant I could not use it until I configured my internet connection to allow the R10 to work relatively independently.

What is the default or provisioned user name and password for SSH? Does it require an SSH key to be loaded?

It does require an SSH key to be added on the controller under settings. Then you can SSH into the Route10 with root. As far as I’m aware password login is disabled by default but could be wrong.