Route10 Firmware 1.3u Released!

Both comments were deemed inappropriate. Altalabs does not tolerate customers’ valuable feedback. They will silence you.

I began by informing my local community: Altalabs Route10 beware. | HardwareZone Forums

Once I have more time, I plan to expose Altalabs’ questionable practices and their high prone to bugs product more broadly.

@schausspink The posts were flagged because the user persists in violating our forum policies and subverting moderation. If you know anything about our company, all we do is listen to our customers, but abuse will not be tolerated.

It’s sad to see that kind of feedback… It is understandable to have issues and bugs, but there is always a right and bad way to do it.

I understand that it makes you angry to still have those bugs/issues when you are paying for a solution (hardware and software). Since it is networking, you can see the impact daily, but I don’t think that blaming Alta’s Team on the forum is the right way…

Personally, if someone yelled/raged at me it didn’t motivate me to help him back since there is no mutual respect.

Keep in mind that the device was released 2 months ago for an early adapter since some features will be released as time goes by. It is a first-generation router with a lot of nice features (SPF+ and 2.5Gbps ports) at an interesting price (~199$). It didn’t excuse the bugs or the issues you’re having, but nothing is perfect.

Be more open and comprehensive and you will see that will come back to you.

This is not a roasting post, it is only to show you the impressions of your posts by a community guy.

Have a nice one and Alta, continue your great work!


Speaking personally here, I don’t care that there are bugs/issues with the product. I know the team hears and sees my complaints (those that aren’t removed), and I have had nothing short of exceptional customer service when I had to call in. I’m here to be involved in the communities efforts of having a superior product. My mindset is the hardware and aesthetics is there, let’s get the software side to match.

Text doesn’t convey dialect well. What you see as anger and rage, others may interpret as seeking answers, although frustrated. Don’t take this as me defending any specific user, as I agree some have gone about their grievances terribly. To believe they are unfounded would be incorrect though.

I have personally had my posts removed for breaking community guidelines when the post did nothing but state what had happened as a matter of fact.