Route 10 - Port Forwarding

I’m trying to do a simple port forward and not having much success.

So lets say I want to forward all incoming WAN traffic for port 123 to port 321, what exactly should I be setting?

Also can you give more details on the zone settings and what exactly they are doing?

OK this request can be ignored. the issue was on my end as I forgot to forward all incoming traffic from the modem to the Route 10 IP it was still set to my previous routers IP. After fixing that the Port forwarding is working as expected.


I also am trying to do a simple port foprwarding. I have the Route 10 connected tdirectly to the Fios ONT and nothing is being blocked. I set up (what I think is correct) port forwarding rule bot no dice. Here is my config. I think it is wrong. Any ideas?

It’s a little different than what we are used to! Here is a screenshot from my mail server.

Leave source blank, it defaults to “WAN”
Destination should just show the port, so I believe in your case it should be “:800”
Ridirect to should be the local IP and port, so I believe in your case it should be: “”

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Thank you! That worked. But the Redirect to needs just the IP address (I mistakenly put it in that way and it worked). No port needed in there.

Also is there a way to put multiple ports to a single device or do we need to make a port forward rule for each port?

I believe you only need to add a port to the IP if you are redirecting to a different port.
So far in my testing you need a separate rule for each port.

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Ok. Thank you!

For multiple ports, I decided to try something. In the port field, I added :5656-5699 and it seems to be working. Ill let you know if any issues arise.