Reset of Devices?

I’m starting with Alta Labs and their app is excellent. However, I can’t find an option to restart the equipment from the app. Is there such an option? It would be important for it to exist mainly for remote assistance.

Hold the Shift key when configuring the device to see a hidden Reboot button.

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But if my device is already configured and is in a client’s house… and I want to restart it remotely, how can I do it… do I click plus shift on the AP6 for example?

Another solution is to use SSH.

I believe you have to click on the center “setting” function between “WIFI” and “Info” first, then hold shift key and the "Reboot " should appear as an option to click.

LOL… this is so bad UI design, you dont win any awards here. @Alta get off your high horse and the slogan “our APs are so stable that you never need to reboot”

Even worse, when moving from cloud to on-prem controller og the other way. I need to get my ladder or climb in the addict, remove the AP and hold down a reset button for 30 sec? Give me an option to boot into reset and recovery mode to make it easier to move APs around. Is it time to sell your “Horse”?

Your tone isn’t the greatest, but you don’t have to climb any ladder to your “addict”.

Log into your AP via SSH and run /lib/sh/factory-reset


I agree about my tone. Will keep it professional from now on. The reset from ssh does not work, it does not bot in recovery mode and the cloud controller get error adopting, can only add it back to my on-prem controller. Same happend if i move from cloud to on-prem.

What has always worked for me is:

  1. Run reset command from CLI.
  2. Restart device.
  3. Delete from the controller you don’t want it tied to, without pushing set up button.
  4. Push set up on desired controller.
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I will give it a try and report back.
If this works I will be very happy

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ok, same thing happened as last time :confused: and got even worse.
1 . Run resedt command from CLI - OK
2 . Restart device - OK
3 . Delete device from the controller - OK
4. Adopt device to cloud controller- Not OK, just adopts in disconnect status. can only delete it.
5. Try to adopt back to old controller on-prem, this works most of the time. but no it says disconnected there also and i can only delete it.
6. I have a useless AP and in disconnected status everywhere. :frowning:
7. Next step, find the ladder, move outside in my car-port with zero degrees outisde, holde the button and so on…
8. Feel free to come up with an ide to skip step 7.

We are investigating your report as well. Please note that in the future you should open your own thread to discuss issues, feature requests or bug reports. This thread is not related to the problem you’re experiencing.

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Sorry to hear about the frustration you experienced. Did you end up climbing to reset the AP, or did you decide to leave it for the time being?

As it currently stands, devices will not reset their controller URL when deleted from a local controller or when running the reset script. This behaviour is intended to make it easier to reconfigure a device to the same on-premises Control instance. If you power-cycle the interface after performing a soft reset, it should also report to the cloud—at least that’s how it works in my local testing.

Alternatively—though this touches on one of your earlier concerns—if you click the Delete button (the trash can) on the Network page in Control, then press and hold Shift, you’ll see a Factory Reset option instead of the usual Yes (soft-reset). This results in a true factory default state, comparable to holding the physical reset button on the device. We’re already looking at removing the Shift key requirement to simplify this process, if that offers any reassurance.

Were you perhaps running both the cloud and on-premises Control interfaces at the same time, or did you open the cloud interface first and then the local one? Those are the only scenarios in which I can reliably reproduce the situation in step 4. In that case, the device “beacons” to both controllers, appearing for setup in each. Once you set it up on the local Control, the cloud interface doesn’t realise this, so the Setup button there is stale and won’t work. You would need to click Delete on the cloud side to remove it.

Many vendors do require physical access for emergency device recovery or bootloader mode, often via a physical button or TFTP setup. Our automatic firmware recovery feature, called Power-on-Reset Recovery, does require physical access, and the steps are outlined in THIS article. Hopefully, knowing that the URL doesn’t reset during a regular reset clarifies the “sticky” behaviour you encountered.

Finally, if you have any thoughts or suggestions on how we could improve the user experience, we’d love to hear them. We truly value your feedback and appreciate any additional insights you can share.

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If I can offer an opinion, please remove the shift key altogether, or clearly document all of the places where it can be used. It is frustrating just having to hit shift on every window and menu to see what might be new and available, as the shift options don’t seem to be documented in the change control. If you really want those special options hidden most of the time, maybe make a check box for users that enables “advanced menu items” or something.


Documentation is really an issue, and It’s going to get even worse as they continue to roll out features without corresponding documentation. Still waiting for that IDS/IPS documentation.

Thank you for the investigation and replay

Yep the problem must be the soft-reset from the delete button. This should have been a factory reset all the time. I see no reason to soft-delete it from a controller when i delete it? why delete it with partially settings to adopt it back?

What does the ssh script do compared to the delete with shift options? im kinda lost in all this options without documentation.

When i try to setup the AP on the on-prem controller, I still get the disconnected error. So there is no way to fix this without getting the ladder out :). Tried to Shift delete i disconnect status, so it looks like it’s not really adopted. as the option does not work. its gone from the visability on all the controllers, and have to powercyle it using PoE reset on switch. Then it will show setup on original controller, and fail again with disconnect status.

I had both controller running at the same time, the reason for this is that i want to migrate accesspoint 1 by 1 over from my on-prem to cloud controller. The server hosting the on-prem controller will be decommissioned. I have 2 AP 6 Pro and 2 regular APs. I starded with a regular AP and would see this adopted before i moved the rest. This is the most normal way of migrating APs on all other platforms.

I will try again with my second regular AP, but this time. 1 Have both controllers running at the same time, 2. Shift delete it for a factory reset on the on-prem controller. 3. Try do adopt it to my cloud controller.

Will report back on my findings here.

I confirm this 3 step process i describe as working as expected.

  1. Have both controller running ( Logged in on both controllers, 2 tabs in same browser.)
  2. Select recycle bin on the AP I want to migrate. hold down Shift on next windows and select Factory reset.
  3. After about 1 minutes its shows as new AP in both controllers and are ready for setup.

I did all 3 APs , 1 regular and 2 Pro in 10 minuntes without problems from on-prem to cloud controller.

the only problemer is my on-prem controller looking like this after i have adopted the APs to cloud controller?

The controller needs to flush what it can see, if the AP stoped reporting ready for “setup” , It needs to be cleared from view. you ping onces every 60 secs to report status, just make this the default value to get flushed from a controller view?

My conclusion. Please update your software to do a full factory reset on delete. No need for advanced or hidden menus, it will only make the user unsure of what to select.

Thanks again for the respons. You should have 10 of 10 score for good support and follow up :slight_smile:

Getting ladder to do the last one :wink:

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Well, I’m glad to hear that you were able to successfully migrate your devices! That’s great news. Sorry to hear the last one requires a climb.

Our devices do support SSH, but by key only. So if the device is still in a configured state, including an SSH key, then that may mitigate the need for a climb. I’d guess you’re likely familiar with using keys, however if you are not we do have a help centre article HERE which can offer some guidance on getting one configured (RSA only, Ed25519 support pending).

Sorry, I should’ve clarified. This is what happens when both tabs are open, and it beacons to both cloud and on-premises control. All of those Set Up buttons would be stale, because the devices are setup to cloud. This is what I suspect you hit in step 4, when you tried to setup to cloud, it was the stale link like these (hence why it only went to disconnected, and this I can replicate 100% of the time). To clear those, you would click the trash can.

All that said, yes, I fully agree with you—this is another area ripe for UX improvement. Right now it doesn’t clean up automatically. Will definitely bring this up for discussion.

No problem at all, always happy to help! And please don’t hesitate on feedback that you wish to share, we’re very happy to listen. If we don’t chat later, hope you have a good weekend!

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Just one last update before the weekend :smiley:

I managed to sort the last access point using the ladder method.
Just one little thing here, please make the full reset a 30 second reset button hold. kinda scary climbing a ladder, holding an AP, inserting rj45 cable and holding down reset button on the same time. And I guess you already plan a better mounting bracket on the next series of APs?

The ssh public key on mac i added to the controller do SSH and had it working with loging as root. Only problem here is that a soft reset and delete from controller delete the ssh key on the AP, this make it impossible to try to fix it without the ladder methode. Please keep the ssh key on the AP as long as the full factory reset is not used?

Have a nice weekend to you all

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