Push notification if a new device joins/ authenticate to WiFi network

Is it possible to get a push notification or email whenever a new device joins the WiFi network. This is going to be nice security feature.

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Why would you need that? :smiley: Debugging network, maybe? You would get flooded with notifications :smiley:

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I can only imagine maybe security? but even then its a stretch.

I don’t think people bother to see their dashboard and go through list of devices.

A push notification is going to be handy to verify and make sure the device connecting to network is authorised. And I am saying just incase of new devices… That joins the network for the first time.

There are other vendors who can do this. Just wondering if there is any plan to bring this feature to Alta Labs

Ah I get you now. So you want the notification to check the current devices and see if it’s a fully new one then alert you. Kinda makes sense but no idea how that will work in practice.

I cant say I personally need this through alta since pFsense has arpwatch plugin which will send an email for this. However, my dad is always adding new IOT devices for Home Assistant would like this so he doesn’t have to guess which device it is or wait 10 min for his unifi controller to populate and show the 169.254.X.X lol . That being said…i do get spammed when i have people over the house new device new device new device new device can get pretty annoying.

… or a summary once a day/week/month! :wink: