PPPoE performance Bell Canada Gigahub 3gigabits per second symmetrical Fiber

Anyone in Ontario, Canada is Route10 with Bell Fiber internet ? Also, can the Route10 support 3gbs PPPoE ? thanks in advance.


I have 3Gbps symmetrical Bell SMB FttH, and reside in Ontario, Canada. My GigaHub is in IP-passthrough/pseudo-bridge mode currently. Apparently that mode is only supported on SMB plans and not home plans, but I do not know if that’s true or not.

Doing PPPoE over top of this pseudo-bridge mode, I was hitting line rate of my NIC on upstream, but downstream was not. I literally just switched a few days ago, and haven’t gotten back to debugging it. I’m seeing 1.93Gbps down (as of 1.3s), and 2.35-2.38Gbps up on a 2.5Gbps NIC. I still need to perform other infrastructure upgrades here to properly utilize this, which is another reason why I haven’t fully dug in yet… I can’t even max out my upgraded WAN with a single client yet if I wanted to.

The PPPoE traffic is being successfully offloaded as intended; however, performance metrics are less than expected, actually only noticeable on the downstream. It appears that the traffic may be flagged or processed with additional overhead somewhere in the data path, which is resulting in reduced throughput. I do not yet know if this is an issue with the offloading implementation or with how the traffic is being classified or prioritized during processing, but early indicators point to it being a bug which can be fixed.

I need to get back to testing this so we can properly investigate and resolve this. That’s all I have at the immediate time.

EDIT: updated downstream performance based on current firmware during testing (1.3s). On 1.3o I was seeing 1.6-1.8Gbps down typically, re-testing today with 1.3s and I was getting 1.93Gbps.

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Similarly, I also rebuilding my network and still trying to decide between going 2.5G or 10G network infrastructure. Alta’s solution is compact and space saving in our small condo. Thanks for your insights and look forward to any updates. FYI, according and following these instructions: Bridge the BCE Inc. Giga Hub - PON dot WIKI I was able to enable Bridge mode which is the same if you have enabled Advanced DMZ in the Gigahub web admin interface. Best wishes and luck!

Those are the exact instructions that I used, to save calling in. I didn’t bother having the tech do it while he was here. In my reading, it seemed to infer users on residential plans would have their GigaHub reverted to router mode after some amount of time. I have no clue if that’s true or not, it could be completely false… I use business service.

I hear you there. For my uses, I think 2.5Gbps NICs are fine, as I don’t really want one client saturating my WAN, but it still would be nice to have at least one 10Gbps capable client if I wanted to test it without limits.

I hope to get back to testing today, and will follow up with results, in the near future. As I said before, early indications seem to lean towards this being a fixable bug. I’ll definitely keep you update!

Oh wow, I had the same issue on a 10gbit connection, for my lan port I was only getting 1880mbps down but max out on on upload. FttH as well.

If you want to fully bypass the GigaHub, here is a video on how it is possible. I think with that, you would be able to achieve the full speed. I’m using the HomeHub3000 and I was able to fully bypass the ISP using the included SFP module (1Gbps) and PPPOE credentials


Unfortunately on the GigaHub the module is built in. The 1Gbps symmetrical business service I just replaced was a Huawai ONT which I connected directly to via Ethernet from my routers (bypassing the HH2000 entirely), but it also terminated inside the unit. AFAIK, the HH3000 is the only one that came with a removable module, and they stopped installing them a long time ago.

EDIT: afaik, if you change to muti-gig service, they will swap that out for a Giga Hub. But as long as you stay on 1Gbps symmetrical or the 1.5/1 service, they probably won’t unless there are forced local infra upgrades that require it

EDIT2: nevermind the above, I haven’t really looked ina while

Yeah, exactly. My point was that it is possible to fully bypass the Gigahub if you buy the SFP+ module that is configurable and configure it to mimic the soldered one of the Gigahub. It could be a way to achieve higher speed but I didn’t do this one. I stay with the 1Gbps plan to have the easy bypass and it is a less pricey solution :sweat_smile:

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Ah, thanks! I really should’ve searched before my last reply. It’s been a few years since I’ve looked at a full bypass of it. Guide is on the same site as the IP-passthrough one: Masquerade as the BCE Inc. Giga Hub on XGS-PON with the BFW Solutions WAS-110 - PON dot WIKI

Maybe something to play with another day.


It really is nice. The AT&T gateway is terrible and this bypasses all of it. I’d 100% give it a try and also if you want join a group buy to pick it up cheaper on the discord chan.


I am a BELL FTTH user in Ontario. I have fully bypassed using WAS SFP module and Alta router is working without any issues. pon.wiki


The only thing that discourages me from moving away from HH3000 to the new Gigahub with WAS-110 SPF+ module is the cost of it ahahah 250$ USD to CAD it comes around 350-400$ with shipping… Pricey for a SFP+ module since I can buy many more pieces of equipment with this money.

I agree it is very expensive. I have purchased mine for $200 USD from ecin ca. you can also join their group buys in discord which is bit cheaper.

Join their discord and do a group buy. They are 160$(usd) so 230$ cad sometimes from there. That is how I got mine for cheap.