Power Supplies (smaller)

I would love to see the power supplies shrink…A LOT. The brick for the S8 is huge, and I’m assuming it will be equally as big for the Route10. I would love to see an internal power supply, or a much smaller alternative. :slight_smile:

Just sharing my opinion/request.

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I can only second this!
And I noticed that my S8-POE is in a really nice white color but the (sorry) ugly power supply is not the same color but rather yellow-ish.
Like it would have been in the direct sun light for years.
And - at least for the European version - I had issues plugging it in because it needs two (!) power sockets because of its size.
Alta - I think you can do that better :wink:

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I also vote for internal power supplies all around all the time, even if the case has to be larger to accommodate. This would actually even give you an edge over Ubiquiti, in my opinion. More and more of their devices are coming with power bricks.
@Ethan-DDI for reference, as of right now anyways, the power brick for Route10 is the exact same one as for the S8-POE.

I would also love to see the Powerplug shrink - I use one on my media console and it has meant that i now have to have it further away from the wall due to the size of the plug.

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Then click vote up left @user19 :slight_smile:

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Another upvote.

In the interim, basically forced to find a barrel jack to usb C adapter and a GAN charger with 70w output