Pings and some request to DNS


I’m using Adguard Home and I see this: 147.318 pings.

I see also some DNS providers:

Can you tell me why this is? I’m using Unbound and Adguard for my own DNS requests.
I find a ping count of 147.000 a little high :slight_smile:

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This is basically the device(s) checking in. May I ask over what timeframe you’re seeing these nearly 150k pings?

Are you using any scheduling or guest portals on your network(s)?

You may, no problem. One week.
No scheduling or guest portals.

DNS requests are also for checking in?

No. Apologies for the confusion. The DNS queries could be attributed to the guest portal/scheduling as each has a web page hosted on the AP for dynamic DNS entries. The web pages are for the guest portal itself, or, in the case of scheduling, the page that would allow a client to request more time when the schedule has the network access turned off. This is moot since you’re not using either of these features, but that was the point of the question.

I’ll have to inquire with the devs as to why the DNS queries are present. Before I do, I just want to be 100% clear that you’re seeing these queries coming from the APs, is that correct?

The DNS requests: 15.079 15074 15069

Well, if I see the requests it’s pointing to, that’s my OPNsense (firewall). But I force every DNS request to my Unbound which is running on a VPS within my network so I think it’s going to after that. Before the AP’s I did not notice these requests.
Is there something I can do to find out if they are from the APs? Got three of them and two Alta switches. is one of the AP’s btw.

I’ve got the tab always open in a pinned tab, maybe this is a reason why there are so many requests?

It could be, depending on what browser you’re using. I know Chrome has recently started…I don’t even know what to call it…“backgrounding”? “putting tabs to sleep”? In theory, if that’s happening, the tab shouldn’t be passing traffic. But regardless, the is checkin for the hardware itself, so the web browser should have nothing to do with that.

@Alta-Jeff can you shed some light on the DNS queries? Excluding the, of course. has a TTL of 3600 seconds, but the resource it points to,, has a TTL of 60 seconds because it is an alias to a CloudFront distribution.

It appears that the firmware currently prefers to use the latter TTL of 60 seconds, and because the firmware uses secure DNS, you will see DNS requests to the major DOH providers once per minute.

Yeah, I notice some weird stuff if I block those three DNS provider requests. But why do you choose for this option? Because I’m using my own DNS like Unbound and own lists for my privacy. I don’t want that DNS providers can check my DNS requests. Is there a way to turn this off?

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there is also a hit to when you log in to the manage portal.

I do not use google sign in or apple sign in.

While there is a hit (and a cache hit) to I don’t see any to the other sign in point.

Just seems an unnecessary call if you are not using it.


it was initiated from main.0868c308.js:4

There is also a JSON fetch to

So when will the onPrem controller for us to use? This would reduce a lot of the external network calls from the access point.

@BliXem This secure DNS is used by the Alta firmware only – it does not interfere with the client DNS traffic at all. It is required for full Alta firmware functionality, in particular to work around LAN DNS servers that are (too) strict with DNS rebinding protection.

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Alright, thanks for your clarifcation :slight_smile: