Just got the Route10 and I can’t find a way to power cycle/restart the device from the controller, like you can with APs. Is that an option at this time, or will it be implemented in the future possibly?
Just got the Route10 and I can’t find a way to power cycle/restart the device from the controller, like you can with APs. Is that an option at this time, or will it be implemented in the future possibly?
Shift+Click on the name it will open a terminal window type reboot and hit enter.
I will give that a go, but it should be the same as all other Alta equipment.
I think the idea there is that if you need to reboot the router you won’t be able to access the controller to do so. (In most cases)
This function to reboot is now in place as a proper button in the Web UI under Network device settings for APs (at least my AP6 Pro), switches (at least my S8) and Route10. The Android app is not yet there though.