Moving from Ubiquiti to Alta world

ok, my family went to bed so I had a moment to act:

  1. I managed to connect Route10 to the controller after changing the address from my domain to, here I must point out that during the first configuration it did not want to connect to for anything.
  2. It worked but not completely, some services seemed to be cut off by the firewall - I assume so, maybe it’s a port issue, but I assume that if the panel allows you to set the port range, then this is a working forwarding, e.g.
    2.1 I lost the connection of Ubiquiti devices to their panel (also local). I could log in to the panel itself but all devices were offline.
  3. As I mentioned, I configured static addresses on Route10 for individual servers, but for some reason they did not appear in the designated VLANS, only in e.g. 3 or 7 (I do not have such VLANS, the only VLANS I set were 10,100,150), but when I started to delete these static settings, I suddenly lost access to the controller and the Internet in general… I was most surprised by the lack of Internet…

Can you minimize your network complexity to reproduce the issue? You have too many moving parts to diagnose.

ok, my biggest problem:

why after connecting route10 on the main link it connects to the controller only after setting the domain to Where at the same time other devices behind route10 i.e. S8 and Access points connect without a problem through my domain as well as through to the controller.

We need to reproduce the issue from first steps. On a factory reset Route10, when you configure it at, what do you do in order to arrive at a disconnected Route10? At this stage, what connectivity remains and what connectivity is lost?

Build a new, empty, blank site on the cloud platform. Can you reproduce the connectivity issue there? Then try again in your local controller.

On the cloud, the connection process works fine, no issues there.

The problem arises when someone who buys the Route10 already has an existing network and cannot connect to the controller if their network is different from, because there is no option to define an initial network configuration.

I cannot reproduce the problem in the cloud because when connecting to the cloud it does not matter what is inside the local network.

But let’s leave all that aside, I got around the problem by using WAN2, I added Route10 to my local controller and I could configure it, but only by giving Route10 my address, entering the address local************ did not appear in the controller at all. After proper configuration, setting all the necessary VLANs and everything else, after specifying Route10 in my network, it communicates with the controller only through the local************** address, not mine. Which is quite strange, both point to the same server.

I have my reservations about the first-time setup as it relates to brownfield or locally managed deployments. It seems to be tailored more for both greenfield cloud and local deployments.

I started a post which never got traction. Maybe this will encourage the Alta folks to provide a much more flexible first time set up for locally managed networks.

I think the difficulty to understand your issue is going to revolve around the address you keep describing. What is that domain, where is it defined, and what do you expect it to do? Is there only an issue with that in place?

Can you please provide exact steps to reproduce on a minimal network from a factory default Route10 and a blank new site?

Have you also configured the setting in this screenshot for your domain? It is related to using a custom domain but I’m not sure if you mentioned this.

I understand. my English is not my native language, maybe I have gaps in English :slight_smile:
Ok, I will point out that I will not reproduce the problem if I use the controller in the cloud, here it does not matter whether it is a connection via PPPoe or DHCP everything works perfectly, it connects immediately after configuring the WAN port. By the way, I am shocked at how fast it works. Great job.

My and probably not only mine, the problem is when I want to replace my main router with Route10 where the controller is in a local network other than

When setting up the controller locally, I noticed that it created some long domain local.xxxxxxx.ddns…
I configure services if I need them on my domains, e.g., I have a public IP address that the domains point to, I found the option that you marked on the attached graphic and I use it, thanks to it I am able to log in to the controller from the outside, of course after configuring NGINX-PM.

It works great, for the test I changed the addresses of AP6, AP6 PRO and S8 from the local.xxxxxx… domain to, all devices connect to the controller without any problems. (Still on Mikrotik)

As for a Route10 (in my case), to fit it into my network, I have to configure it earlier. Thanks to the fact that I have an LTE modem, I can connect it to WAN2, set DHCP and add it to the local controller by connecting to the LAN port of Route10, entering the address and then entering the address, I do the entire configuration. I change Mikrotik to Route10, the entered configuration works but what happens is that other devices connect to the controller without a problem, I remind you that they have the address set, and Route10 connects only when via ssh I change its address for connection to local.xxxxxxx.ddns…
I think it would be a good idea to add the possibility of at least partial configuration, such as setting the addressing for the network. Ideally, I would see a local panel on Route10, which we enter by entering the Route10 IP and as an option to connect to the cloud or local controller.

I hope the problem with domains has been explained.

I am equally interested in seeing these options made locally available when a controller connection cannot be established.

I would like to again ask how you have configured this external domain. I shared a screenshot above that could be relevant, but you did not confirm for me yet.

This is the key info I’ve been looking for.

It cannot be established becouse Route10 search controler in own network wich is by default Mine controller is in (vlan150).

Yes, I did,

the local.xxxxxx.ddns… domain was created automatically when creating the local controller. I created my domain myself and entered it into the controller in the place you indicated.

the domain is defined on an external server where the main domain is parked

this is my domain to login in to controller from outside. And it does.
The other Alta devices connect to the controller through my domain regardless of whether Mikrotik is the main router or Route10. This setting for Alta devices was implemented for testing purposes only.
What Route10 does not do is connect through this domain when it is the main router, unlike the other Alta devices.

good day to all

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