ok, my family went to bed so I had a moment to act:
- I managed to connect Route10 to the controller after changing the address from my domain to local.XXXXXXX.ddns.manage.inc, here I must point out that during the first configuration it did not want to connect to local.XXXXXXX.ddns.manage.inc for anything.
- It worked but not completely, some services seemed to be cut off by the firewall - I assume so, maybe it’s a port issue, but I assume that if the panel allows you to set the port range, then this is a working forwarding, e.g.
2.1 I lost the connection of Ubiquiti devices to their panel (also local). I could log in to the panel itself but all devices were offline. - As I mentioned, I configured static addresses on Route10 for individual servers, but for some reason they did not appear in the designated VLANS, only in e.g. 3 or 7 (I do not have such VLANS, the only VLANS I set were 10,100,150), but when I started to delete these static settings, I suddenly lost access to the controller and the Internet in general… I was most surprised by the lack of Internet…