Log to see curent TX power if auto is selected?

is there any way of peeking into the logs what TX setting is currently used if Auto is selected?
And if auto is selected will that be determined on the startup of the AP or on a regular basis like every hour or so?

If you hover you mouse over the channel on the network page it will show you - on auto I have only seen the APs at full power which varies depending on which channel you are on.

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 08.53.09


Currently auto is determined at startup only, although we do plan to look at creating actual intelligent auto algorithms down the road.

If you prefer shell, you can also use iw dev to check the full interface list, and that will include the TX power. If you want to isolate to a specific interface only, you could use iw dev ifname info, just replacing ifname with the actual name.

For what it’s worth, the interface names are generated based on the ESSID, so the interface names will actually be the same across APs, which can be useful when looking at things from shell.