List VPN clients

I’m trying out the WireGuard VPN functionality in Route10. What I currently lack, or perhaps just haven’t found yet, is a list of active (and inactive) VPN-clients. The Wireguard application is part of the applications list but the clients I can’t find. If they are not yet listed, feel free to bring this along as a suggestion.

I think they make mention of it in the recent roadmap video they did as being in the works. At this time stamp I think:

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@jmszuch, thanks. I have missed that. I actually made it through half the video the other day, before something else needed attention. And have yet to pick up where I left. :sweat_smile: We’ll just wait patiently. :slightly_smiling_face:

No problem, I just finished watching it recently and for some reason that part stuck in my head :smile:

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