Is it possible to have multiple schedules based on device or password?

Hi there,

Just wondering if it is possible to setup a block schedule based on the device or user /password. rather than having a schedule on the SSID?

I want 1 SSID at home. I want a schedule internet block on the kids devices. Whereas I want internet to be working on other devices.

Set up a 2nd password on the same SSID and assign a schedule to it, and give that password to the kids

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With Alta AP alone no, currently it only works on SSIDs. However if you have a router with more advanced settings you can make a VLAN that has a schedule on. Then you assign that password to the VLAN.

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It is possible to do this. You can assign a block schedule to the Wifi network (SSID) and then you can set the always available password to ignore the schedule.

eg make a Wifi Network called MyHouse
add a password for the kids “internet”
add a password for the rest “somesecretalwayson”
for this one set ignore Schedule

enable Schedule for the whole Wifi network.

So you can have one password which has a schedule, and one password which ignores the schedule both on the same SSID

You can also enable Hotspot and allow users to request access during down-time, and again bypass the hotspot on the always on password.


Ah yeah, ignore my comment :upside_down_face:

Sorry for confusion. I was more after multiple schedules. Let’s say I want internet blocked for 4 years old by 7 pm. And I want internet blocked for 7 years old by 9 pm. So that he can finish his homework. Can it be done. Or has anyone raised a feature request.

I would say no then as currently different passwords can’t have different schedules only bypass.

Great question. @WhyAydan @NickShore Thanks for engaging here as well.

Right now, we only support one schedule per SSID. Then under each SSID, you have the ability to bypass the hotspot by password.

Does that help?

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