Internal DNS resolution / devices marked as No Name

Hi there

I’ve setup my Alta route 10 + Controller and am wondering if there’s a way to have DNS based on hostnames. I have ~100 devices/servers on multiple VLANs and all devices are registered with Name being set to No Name - I previously used plain OpenWRT and never had issues with this.

I also checked logs of dnsmasq (btw, it would be super cool to have logread working) and the hostname definitely shows up there:

Jan 11 11:19:52 OpenWrt dnsmasq-dhcp[6241]: DHCPACK(br-lan) d8:3a:dd:78:b5:ee cm4-8c-8g-4000g-yellow0

Ay idea

I too am really hoping some progress can be made on device names soon. “No Name” gets really annoying when even my UniFi stack that I replaced had names for all of my devices.

This should get implemented and pushed out next Monday.


I am so thankful in 2025 there is still a company in IT that pays such close attention to their user base. Thank you Jeff!


Thanks for getting back @Alta-Jeff! No need to rush this :slight_smile:

@m4tbit It literally just happened to be implemented last week, so it’s perfect timing.

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Is this the 1.3t that got pushed just now?

So here’s something super weird. While my PC is plugged in, it shows the MAC address as the name. If I unplug the PC it shows the device name. Do you want me to screen capture it? Or video it for you @Alta-Jeff?

Route10, 1.3t.

@DN3092 Yes, there was also a front-end update to the cloud controller just now. Release notes coming soon…

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@Alta-Jeff any chance the update didn’t go out for arm64? :wink: At least there’s no new apt package yet for the on-prem controller

@m4tbit Local controller update hasn’t been released yet, but it will be soon.

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