Inhibit/disable site to temporarily allow network devices in other site

As it has been pointed out by the Alta staff it is important to focus troubleshooting while minimizing other moving parts. One important aspect is to start off from a default site and only introduce changes related to the core issue.

I was looking around for ways to temporarily disable/inhibit one site to detach network devices (Route10, S8 switches, AP6, etc.) and allow them in on the temporary lab site, while keeping all port settings etc. for the original site.

From what I understand, these devices can’t remain in one site while adopting them into a new one. Is this correct? Or can I reset a device, set it up in the new site, while still being able to re-adopt them into the original site and retain the original settings? Does anyone have suggestions for how to handle this?

I could not find a way to achieve this kind of site disable/inhibit through the WebUI on Android device, so I post this as a feature request.

What i would do is to indeed remove the devices from a site, reset it and adopt it to a new site. Afterwards do the steps again to put it back in the correct site. Moving devices between sites would be a great feature.

It may be possible to use the feature highlighted in the following screenshot to simulate the intent behind this request.

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True, I didn’t consider that function. It will spare me the reset.

However, if I want to start from scratch for the purpose of having a clean setup for debugging, I will still have to manually revert all settings back to default. And, when done, change them back to my “production site” (i.e. slightly extended family setup). They are not overly many, but I will have to take notes of all.

Come to think of that a config save & restore feature for S8/Route10 etc. would be useful. Maybe that have been raised already?