I don't mesh often, but when I do

I don’t mesh often, but when I do…I ALTA!

These things work great, in a PINCH, when getting wires around is just not an option.

Main AP6 Pro sends the signal to the meshed AP6 Pro above the door, and gets strong signal to all three rooms in the basement.

Customer text me 3 days later to save internet is the best it’s been since they’ve lived there. :slight_smile:


The Mesh capability is amazing. In fact, the APs even automatically turn into stations for wired devices. I completely forgot about that feature and unplugged the trunk port to one of my switches for testing and was shocked when less than 10 seconds later it was back online! I then realized the AP that was plugged into the switch had automatically failed over to mesh and was feeding the switch through its wired connection.

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That sounds fantastic, I hope they get some 6ghz APs out this year with at least a 2.5 port on them.

Ya, this is the coolest part of it. No setup required. Auto mesh, so your devices attached to that switch stay connected. Great feature and pretty fast throughput on meshed devices.