Global Cron Jobs Per Profile

It would be nice to be able to push cron jobs to the devices via the color profiles.

One example of a good global cron job:

  • Being able to set an automated reboot schedule for the APs to refresh their connection

Story Time:
We recently had an AP just disconnect from the network. The device had power, the network was working just fine, no outages, but the AP just decided to drop its connection out of nowhere and it stayed offline for a day before we realized it was disconnected. The super weird part is that we were never notified by the Alta portal that it dropped its connection. It just went limbo. Power cycling is the only way we got it to come back up.

Having a crob job pushed to the device would circumvent this since it would bake a reboot schedule into the AP, so if it ever loses connection, it will reboot at whatever time (as a local cron task), forcing it to reconnect.