Firewall Documentation: Is there a FAQ or help page?

Trying to workout the Route 10 Firewall settings:

Is there a FAQ or Documentation explaining the terms -

1 .What do the LAN and WAN Zones cover ?
2. Is there any way to add lists of things such as ports, subnets and IP address?
3. What is the impact of define a rule using Interfaces?

Happy to look at CLI as the current UI is missing key featueres, just dont wnat to setup 100+ rules manaully thorugh the gui

Alta Team: Any chance of some examples ?


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Chat gpt is your friend.

This is something we would like to add to our help center. In fact, what other questions would you like to see answered in a firewall document?

Glossary of terms : All key terms defined
For each item in the ruile - short definiation and some example the help expain

Basics of the firewall model in use
What rules are factory default, what can’t be deleted
How to build rules, Rules order , Ports, Protocols, Subnets, IP addresses and Interfaces
Allow, Drop and Reject - what they mean and impact of using them

Examples ;
Inter VLAN Blocking (RFC 1918 subnets)

Isolate a ONE network form all other Network (say IoT)

How to allow access from one network to a isolated network (User Network to IoT)

Export and Import Functions
Reset - back to factory rules set - which is ?