Feature Request: DoT and/or DoH for Route10

it will be nice to have a DNS “window” where we could setup DNS (DoT or DoH) for route10, and use those settings in the VLAN setup
DNS_1: tls://one.one.one.one
DNS_2: https://dns.google/dns-query

set vlan1 to use DNS_1 settings, and vlan2 to use DNS_2 settings.
(it’s doable via cli, using the /cfg/post-cfg.sh script, but just cause we can, it doesn’t mean we should :slight_smile: )


The Alta Route is running https-proxy with Opendns, cloudflare and google, but this not shown anywhere in the UI.

Already a thread on this.


I know … and read that thread … but I made this as a feature request, to be voted on … and hopefully implemented soon in gui.

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I found this thread as I was searching and have upvoted this.

I currently use Control D DNS service. I wasn’t able to use the native DoH or DoQ endpoints in the Alta GUI. As a temporary workaround, I’ve reverted back to Control D’s legacy IPV4 and IPV6 endpoints, which keeps my DNS unencrypted.

Would love to see future support in having the Alta Route10 support this natively in the GUI.

I am in the same boat using NextDNS.