Feature req for switch

Feature req for switch

  • option to set RPST/PVRST
  • cli access using gui would be nice
  • igmp snooping on other vlans then native

You can shift click the device name in the controller to get access to the CLI.

igmp snooping can be enabled on each VLAN independently. Here is a reference:

This also isn’t raised as a feature request FYI :slight_smile:

It is now :smiley:

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Thanks for the information! I wasn’t aware of that. Is it really only accessible through shortcuts in the GUI?

CLI access is available over SSH by making use of SSH keys. We have a knowledgebase article that walks you through setting that up.

Thanks all for your answerds so far can you kindly elaborate on the first (1) request?
Also without raising a new topic we like to know if we can use etherchannels/portchannels now or in the future, searching the knowledge page came up with nothing.

  1. option to set spanning tree algorithm MST/RPST/PVRST :question:
  2. cli access using gui would be nice :heavy_check_mark:
  3. igmp snooping on other vlans then native :heavy_check_mark:
  4. Able to great port-channels / etherchannels on switches preffered with lacp with atleast 2 interfaces :question:
  1. option to set spanning tree algorithm MST/RPST/PVRST
    Settings > System > Advanced > Loop Prevention Protocol
    With MSTP, RSTP, and STP being supported as of now

  2. Able to great port-channels / etherchannels on switches preffered with lacp with atleast 2 interfaces
    For now, static LAG is the only supported option, but more are in the pipeline
    For Static LAG, click on the icon of the switch to bring up the switch configuration pane. Then click on any interface you want to be a part of the LAG. Then click the Mode dropdown. The very last option is Combine, where you would enter the comma separated list of interface numbers you wish to combine.

Thanks for pointing this out! Check :heavy_check_mark: This product has great potential with already these enterprise features build-in. And we can live with static lag for now.

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