Feature req: 2fa on local hw controller?

Little surprised no one asked yet (can’t find it).
But can we have multifactor auth on the local HW controller too?

Use case 1:
I like to log in to the app and see what going on at a local site, but my mobile IP keeps changing so no whitelisting is possible, and exposing 443 to the whole world with the possibility of cracking my password within a few days is not a warm feeling :smiley:

Use case 2 :
When a customer has multiple sites and has reasons to not go for the cloud controller option. It is easier to connect these sites without whitelisting all sometimes changing IPs :slight_smile:

I actually am not sure the plans here. I believe it’s more a question of when rather than if, but I’ll confirm. You reminded me of some other questions about MFA too, one being Passkey/WebAuthn support.

I’ll follow up once I receive an update.

Yes, MFA is planned for on-prem controllers. We have some other milestones coming up first though. And on a side note, the answer is yes, Passkey support is also planned (for both on-prem and cloud), but that would be a later date than adding TOTP support to local instances.



Are there any updates on MFA for local controller access?

Please do not bump old solved threads.

I’ve taken the liberty of moving this to the feature requests category so you can add your vote to the thread.