Feature Req: 2.5 GB Switch!

Deployed three AP6-Pro’s at home a few months ago and have been very happy so far. Although one did fry due to a power surge :frowning (Blown Breaker). I’ve since connected the POE injectors to a UPS/Surge Protector.

The only thing holding me up from going with an Alta Switch is the lack of 2.5GB support. Are there any plans for a switch that includes POE, 2.5 GB NIC’s and SFP+ ???

If so, I will be one today!


While it would be nice, all of their access points current have 1Gbps Ethernet ports.

Agree, 1Gbps and 10Gbps are pretty much the standard in IT… Alta has this covered. A 48G switch is needed more.

I’d say 1G is more standard than 10G. When we start talking about 10G is fiber and not so much Ethernet. 10G Ethernet switches get hot.

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agree, was thinking of fibre and aggregation :slight_smile:

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I understand the OP.
If you look at the mainboardmarket, and even pc’s, you see that 2.5gb is taking the spot of the 1gb networkport. You would want to have a 2.5gb, else you are stuck with 1gb.
20-30 years ago, 100mbit was normal, and we had exact the same discussion:“Why do you need 1gb, where the whole world was on 100mbit. Or even on tokenring at 16mbit.”

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