Enhancement requests? Serial number in management app

Is there an enhancement request sticky? I’ve just had to go through a support process and needed to get my serial numbers of all my devices. Luckily I still had my boxes but if this was at one of my clients where they tend to throw out packaging then it would be more difficult to get the serial numbers as often these AP’s are placed in difficult to access locations (warehouse ceilings etc). I checked in the management app for them but couldn’t find them. This seems like an easy addition to either network info tab or settings and would save you having to collect all of the information for support requests.

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Good idea!
That should be a relatively easy one…

We have a method to extract the full serial from a support side, but it’s a tricky and somewhat dangerous thing to do, so we’re keeping it internal for right now. Simply put, if you need this, reach out to support and we can get it for you.

However, I’ll be happy to notate this request and put it on the proverbial “whiteboard” for future consideration.


I think this would be a great idea as well, will help with keeping track of serial numbers for projects.

I moved this over to Feature Requests, FYI. It will be interesting to see what the vote count will be :arrow_up:


Is there a place where we can easily see all feature requests and their vote levels?

Nevermind I figured out where to find that info.

You wanna share that info @rutman286 ?

Click on the Feature Requests category over on the left of the forum. Then you can sort the list by “Votes” or “My Votes” up at the top. It at least orders them by how many votes each request has gotten.

I would also like to see a running list of which requests have been implemented and when.

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TOP, found it, thanks @rutman286 :+1: