Disable the LEDs


Is there a way to disable the leds on the Route 10 just like on the 8 port switch? I’ve got it located in my bedroom and the lights are incredibly bright.


this might sound hackish, but I like the circles left over from a hole punch. I hole-puch post-it notes on the sticky part and then cover the led’s with those. Typically the light still goes through , but at about 1/3 to 1/2 strength.

It’s a clumsy solution, I know, but it might bring relief until a real solution is found!

+1, I’ve wrapped the entire port area and cables in electrical tape and just the spacing between cables lets too much of the absurd amount of light leak through. These activity LEDs are 20x as bright as any other piece of networking equipment I’ve ever owned. Please provide a way to turn them off.

Absolutely loving my Route10 so far, but definitely feel the same regarding the link lights!

Digging through old forum posts, @Alta-Matt_v2 you were involved in the fix for the switch - would you be able to work your magic again please? :grin:


No magic required, this just needs to get exposed in the firmware and UI which is on the roadmap.


Does that mean that Altalabs has to do something or is it possible to turn off the LEDs on the Router now? What does get exposed in the firmware and UI mean? The products and software are awesome by the way.

Thanks Matt :slight_smile:

Roderick, it seems that (as with the switch) from the hardware side, the LEDs can be turned off. You can’t currently do so in the software/UI.

It sounds like the team at Alta was always planning to implement this (i.e. it’s already on the roadmap), but I imagine they’ve got a lot to get through first - adding functionality, security updates etc. will likely be a higher priority.

Little Christmas present in control this morning :slight_smile: