Dashboard not working again

Trying to manage some devices, dashboard won’t load. This is the third time this has been the case in the last month. Have to go hours/days without being able to access stuff. Any idea when this is going to be resolved? Kind of important, as there is no local management option yet.

I’ve also been experiencing extremely slow dashboard loading over the past 5-6 days.

We’re unaware of any issues at the moment. Is there a chance you can send a video of the slow loading? Everything is working quickly in our testing here.


Also, I did the normal things when you have an issue like this. Cleared browser cache, logged out/logged back in, opened in private browsing window, etc. Nothing made it work.

I experienced this issue over the weekend using Firefox. I switched to Edge and the problem cleared. Going back to Firefox and issue returned. I tried Firefox on another PC and had the same issue of it taking several minutes before dashboard loads.

Looks like an issue with Firefox. We’ll fix this right away.



Well, I appreciate the insight, but I won’t be installing a different browser to manage this or anything else. If it is a web based application, it should work, no matter the browser.

@scatterday Don’t worry, we’ll resolve it soon on Firefox.

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Removed due to link. If the video is needed again, let me know.

OK, everything should be good on Firefox again. Let me know if you run into anything else.



This is exactly the reason I am still putting Alta APs and switches in our offices. You guys really do know how to take care of your customers! thank you very much!
*edit: It is fixed…I should have said that first. :slight_smile:


All is good here so far. Dashboard pulled up right away, thank you.

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Working great on firefox now! Thanks!

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My dashboard is showing everything disconnected even though I am on my network, so something is up again.

I just logged in to check, mine is good to go right now.

Mine was out for about 5 minutes… it’s back now.