Controller + Route 10 Setup

Hey guys,
So, I tried once, and failed miserably, in getting my route10 connected to my local Docker container. I’m hoping someone can assist my without breaking everything in my environment.

Current Network:
LAN Subnet:
Server Subnet:

During setup, the Route10 would only allow me to be on the subnet…

What is the recommended setup for networks that do NOT use the default network?

Looking forward to getting this up and rolling internally!

After initial setup, with all defaults you can go back and change the subnets. You would edit vlan 1 if you’re ok with that vlan number to be your network. You can then add a new vlan in the same menu for the server network. Keep in mind isolation for the server network if it’s more of a dmz of sorts.

Thank you. My next question… is the controller is on 192.168.1.x, how would I change that in the controller VM? I’m using docker for my control instance.

If I stop the container in docker, delete the control_net, and recreate, would the controller restart correctly with the IP change?

One other side note, can the VM and the docker container have the same IP? Up to this point, I have had the VM on a dhcp address and the container @ They cannot be the same, correct?

could do with documentation from the Alta team.


You could try creating a network in another subnet, the same way you made control_net and then switch your docker run command to use --net=route10_subnet. Once you have everything set up on the default subnet, you should be able to change VLAN1 Router IP to again. Finally, restart your container with --net=control_net again and everything should realign.

You can set up a reverse proxy to act as the front-facing interface for your Control. If you recreate a container or make changes to any Docker network settings, you only need to update the reverse proxy configuration. This is the approach we using.

do you have an instruction for the any chance?

Here is what I have so far. This is for my environment so youll need to adjust your networks accordingly. This has worked up to me moving my actual route10 over to the new controller as im waiting for the wireguard features to be pushed. I did test removing from the 192.168.1.x network and it did reconnect. The address didnt update to the correct 192168.45.11 address out of the box… not sure if it takes some time to sync or not - I corrected this with making my own internal DNS entries and its working fine. Ill update once I have the Route10 moved over.

# Create the temp control network
docker network create -d macvlan \
--subnet= \
--ip-range= \
--gateway= \
-o parent=eth0 control_temp

# Create the end network
docker network create -d macvlan \
--subnet= \
--ip-range= \
--gateway= \
-o parent=eth0 control_net

# Build the container
docker run -it --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
--cgroupns host \
--add-host \
--net=control_temp \
--restart=unless-stopped \
-v /sys/fs/cgroup/access.scope:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw \
--tmpfs /run \
--tmpfs /run/lock \
--name control \

# Setup the controler

# Move the controller to the correct network
docker network disconnect control_temp control

# Stop Control + Move to the new Network and restart
docker stop control
docker network connect control_net control
docker start control

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The ONLY thing I cannot get updated is the address to reflect the new one… but reverse proxy is what im using anyway… lets hope it doesnt break when im adopting!

Does anyone know how to update the container from the old address to the address? I think thats all my steps above are missing…

This should be all you need.

Mind providing a bit more? I have tried “docker restart control” and have tried attaching the --net=control_net but it errors out on my side

Looks like I got it… Ill update my notes above to reflect the changes.

Sorry, I forgot about the manual step of connecting the network to your container. Thanks for amending your instructions to include it as well.