Control 1.0v Released! (cloud & on-premises)

The latest update to Control has been rolled out, bringing refinements and new features to support both cloud and on-premises controllers. This release includes the following changes:

  • Route10: Add support for Multi-WAN configuration
  • Route10: Add support for alternate LAN subnet during setup
  • Route10: Allow ports to be disabled
  • Switches/Route10: Improve switch port<>device configuration UX
  • Devices: Add support for bulk import, for MAC/IP assignment
  • WiFi Schedule: Use site’s time zone instead of browser’s for “now” line
  • Control: Fix incorrect LED color after reboot

Here are the full running changelogs for both platforms:

If you have any questions let us know, and as usual if you notice anything please feel free to reply here, or create a new topic, including the details of the issue encountered. Thanks!



Thank you for the update, in addition to addressing some key elements that will further enhance the first time set up process.


Very nicely done!