Control 1.0s Released! (cloud & on-premises)

The newest version of Control has been released, offering enhanced features for both cloud and on-premises management. Highlights of this update include:

  • Improve topology and connection logic
  • Route10: Allow WireGuard config to be downloaded via file
  • Route10: Add EEE setting
  • Wired Devices: Show DHCP hostname by default
  • Allow wired or wireless connected devices to be manually created
  • Add support for showing connected devices’ aggregate ports
  • Add support for logging out of all applications/devices

Here are the full running changelogs for both platforms:

If you have any questions let us know, and as usual if you notice anything please feel free to reply here, or create a new topic, including the details of the issue encountered. Thanks!


OK so this will probably make me look silly but I can’t find this setting at all in my self-hosted controller. Both the controller and Route10 are up to date - I can see the new updates including the Wireguard config via file, ability to add devices manually etc. I just can’t find the EEE setting at all.

This wouldn’t have something to do with the fact that we turned off EEE a few weeks ago on my Route10 here - thread link - would it?

It’s also possible I’m just being stupid and have missed it somewhere! Thanks. :slight_smile:


Ha! Thanks @Alta-Josh. I knew it was going to be simple. I just assumed it was a toggle that changed the setting for all ports at the same time. Didn’t think to go into each port.


Just going to touch on this specific point. I would recommend that you connect via shell or web terminal and rm /cfg/ to remove that file. Unless you have added other customizations since we last spoke then it’s no longer needed.

It shouldn’t harm anything staying there, but I always like to clean custom stuff up like that whenever possible. Obviously the choice is yours.

Thanks Mike. I’ve gone ahead and removed it now. A quick reboot and everything is still working as expected! :slight_smile:

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