Control 1.0m Released! (cloud & on-premises)

We’re excited to announce the newest release of Control, now available for both cloud and on-premises management. This update brings key improvements and fixes:

  • Route10: Provision user-provided DNS servers for all WAN connection types
  • Route10: Fix issue with allowing some firewall IPs
  • WiFi: Add site-width bandwidth setting, for devices on auto-bandwidth
  • WiFi captive portal: Add support for SSID in token
  • WiFi: Add batch-edit mode, for setting many APs to auto-channel/bandwidth
  • Settings: Add shortcut to VLAN1 settings
  • Firewall: Add None to zoneIn options
  • Switches: Improve Port-based traffic graphs accuracy
  • Switches: Show historical POE voltage/power

Here are the full running changelogs for both platforms:

If you have any questions let us know, and as usual if you notice anything please feel free to reply here, or create a new topic, including the details of the issue encountered. Thanks!


Very nice work folks keep it up :heart: