Cloud disconnections

Hi everyone,
Just an update, we recently had a large amount of devices added into our system that we hadn’t projected for, and it caused a few cloud <> device connection issues. We scaled up our environments, and everything appears to be back to normal now.

Also, this shouldn’t have affected any end-user traffic, but there were some outages between the devices and the controller platform itself.

Let us know if you see any more issues!



Good work guys, nice to see issues being acknowledged :slight_smile:

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As of 8:30am PST, I have no access to my clients and my own controller. Can someone look into this please?

Same here as of 11:20am central time in US. Just spinny spinny waiting for things to happen which doesn’t. :slightly_frowning_face:

App and web same behavior.

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Ditto. Spinning wheel here too at 9:48am Pacific.

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UPDATE: Looks like I’m back! 10:33 AM PST. Thank you.

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Working perfectly 8:05PM CET

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Back online here too. Thanks!

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Hi Matt,

Everything is up except for the Settings->Wifi page, which has a spinning wheel.

Hi, is it still not working? I just tried it and everything is up and running smoothly for me…

Also, we did make some more improvements yesterday to improve scalability and performance, and during the upgrade process some parts of the management platform were temporarily offline. But we’ll do a better job of communication prior or during the planned (or unplanned) system maintenance.

Thanks you all for the feedback!

Work Fixing GIF by RATP


Good morning! It’s working now. It turned out I needed to clear my cookies and cache in Chrome to fix the Wifi spinning wheel.

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