Would it be possible to have CAD files for the Route10 and S8? I want to make a perfect/near perfect 10" rack mount for my mini rack. Being able to make those two items mount perfectly will help my OCD.
I would also be happy with a 10" rack mountable accessory for the Route10 and S8.
@rafal.jachym the s8-poe is a bit too tight - I had to remove the rubber feet to make it fit. Another bonus would be to make the middle section rigid, instead of the X that’s there right now. Allows better cutting of the part and would’ve spared me the hotglue
Ok, thanks! I’ll adjust the space under the S8. As for the middle section, you’re actually right, but it was designed as a single piece for printing. I didn’t think about cutting it in the slicer. I’ll fix that too.
@rafael.jachym I haven’t printed the 10" set yet so no feedback there. Need to arrange with a friend for printing.
Regarding the mod for the S8,
did you by any chance update the 10" inch rack mount for the S8 as well, given that the same offset applied to it as well, or was it for the 19" mount only?
ebuckland81 now you can. By the way, it’s a strange thing because both projects had the same scaling according to the official data. Maybe the foam in the S8 is a bit thicker? I have no idea. Anyway, it’s fixed now.