Bug: IPs and others not sortable asc/dsc under devices Route10

Noticed this as well!

Same issue, staticly assigned devices also dont show up with an IP address either. I just set mine up last night, got a connection, and went to bed so not sure if this is a known issue or something specific to my setup.

The sort issue has been raised before. not heard that its been fixed

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Happy to look into fixing this bug, but it’s not reproducible for me at all. I may need an invite to one of your sites and more information like OS + browser. Are you sorting on the Network page or Devices page?

For me its on the device page. I have no problem inviting you to my site if you let me know how (guessing invite user, admin access?). Network page shows the devices.

for me it happens regardless of OS+browser. Firefox/chrome on windows, samsung internet+android, chrome+chromeos, Alta app+android all show the device but no ip associated with them.

@DN3092 Thanks, I’ll reach out directly for an invite.

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Are you experiencing missing IP addresses in the device table? This thread is about the sort order of visible addresses instead. Is that what you’re posting about?

It was both when I first posted, now it’s only one. Jeff clarified that ip tracking was only available for dhcp address on route10 currently. I found that letting the device grab dhcp and setting the ip I want it to have in the device window allows it to display on the devices tab (with desired ip) so I’m good with that work around for the time being.

My apologies for the mix-up on the issue.

Something I’ve noticed on mine is that the sorting works, however the Wired and Wireless devices seem to be sorted separately, not an issue for me, but perhaps causing confusion?

For example if I have wireless devices:

And wired

They would be sorted as

@Hefty Running that input through our IP sorter in a unit test sorts correctly. So I’d love to get an invite (even as non-admin) if you are open to it, to help debug. Any chance you have any browser extensions enabled?

I saw @Alta-Jeff talking about this in another thread and just wanted to chime in that I believe I am seeing this issue as well. Hopefully you can see my little animated GIF of what I’m seeing!
converted (1)

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@jmszuch Can you specify OS and browser? We’re definitely not seeing that anywhere here, so if you’re open to an invite, I’d love to dig in.

Sure, happy to send an invite. On Windows 11 and using Microsoft Edge although the problem seems to occur in Google Chrome as well. What would be the best way to invite you to the site?

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@jmszuch Reproducing just fine on your site, so hopefully we’ll have a fix soon.

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Awesome! Sounded like the issue was a bit hit or miss so hopefully this helps narrow things down.

On a self hosted controller so I’d have to poke some holes for you to get on, if you still need this after looking at @jmszuch’s site I’ll be happy to do this tomorrow and will reach out to you on discord.

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This issue has been resolved on the cloud controller. Local controller fix will be released soon. Thanks for the report!