AP6 Pros frequently disconnecting

Hi guys, we have 4 AP6 pros in our office setup, 3 of which are in our main office and 1 in a separate office(but still closeby). The APs are probably 10 meters apart from each other.

The users in our main office frequently have their Wi-Fi dropping, like maybe once every 1-2 hours. We have a radius server configured and the logs on then NPS don’t indicate any authentication error.

Another thing to note is that sometimes when the user keys in their credentials for the Wi-Fi, it seems that the AP is not communicating the request to the server. Normally when a user connects to the Wi-Fi, there will be an authentication log on the NPS stating whether its a success or failure. However, many a time when the user is trying to connect, the logs on the NPS don’t even appear, which leads me to think that the AP is not communicating properly with the Radius server.

Lastly, it is not a mesh setup, they are all directly connected to our 24 port ALTA switch. May I know what are the things that I should be looking at or troubleshooting please?

Thank you!!

May I ask why they are so close together? Residential and small business office spaces do impact the total coverage of an AP versus open-air stadium environments, but you still get roughly 1500 sq ft out of one. I would definitely investigate whether some of the APs should just be disabled or spread further apart first. I’m not extremely confident that this would solve the issue you’re experiencing, but it’s a starting point for now.

Hi Josh! We used to have only two in the main office. However, users at the extreme ends of the office were getting very weak signals, hence we added one more. Even when there were only two, this issue still existed.