I have three access points (2 props and one AP6). One Pro restarts from time to time. For example, the other two have an uptime of about 29 days, while I have noticed two restarts in this period of time on the one with the restart “issue”.
Could this be a sign of a potential issue and is there a log somewhere where I can see what the cause might have been?
@the Sorry for the concerns. Uptime is of paramount importance and we have a zero-tolerance for unexpected reboots! If you enable remote syslog logging and are willing to share them with me, I can take a look. If you invite me to your site, I can look at a few more things, like temperature, etc. to make sure they are running in a normal environment. Please let me know which devices are rebooting if you invite me.
Currently, you can look at temperature with this via ssh:
for i in /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp; do echo “Zone ${i##*/thermal_zone}: $(($(cat $i) / 1000)) C”; done
This is the output from the command. I will setup remote syslog at the weekend and will add you to my site. I’ll get back to you when everything is done
root@AP-L:~# for i in /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp; do echo “Zone ${i##*/thermal_zone}: $(($(cat $i) / 1000))
C”; done
“Zone 0/temp: 53 C”
“Zone 1/temp: 57 C”
“Zone 2/temp: 53 C”
“Zone 3/temp: 60 C”
Alternative reference. It is 73 in the room where this AP is installed. This is from my AP6-Pro right now.
“Zone 0/temp: 65 C”
“Zone 1/temp: 68 C”
“Zone 2/temp: 65 C”
“Zone 3/temp: 71 C”