Alta Control Issues 011725

Anyone currently experiencing issues with their local Alta controllers?

  1. Unable to check for a new Alta Control Version.

  2. Controller LED option has vanished.

Rebooting the controller does not resolve. Issue persists across multiple browsers.

I’m self-hosting my controller so it might be different but I thought it used to show the currently installed version next to the “Check” button? That’s disappeared for me. Not sure if that’s intentional, an issue or I was hallucinating.

We’ve reproduced the issue here, and will release an update once it is available. Thanks for the report.


I had some time to confirm a few other things.

  1. Alta iOS application does allow me to check for updates.

  2. Controller LED feature is missing from the iOS application as well.

Yes, thank you. We already have a fix implemented that is related to all of these side-effects, but are awaiting further test results before deploying.

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Not sure if it helps, but i’m having the same issue. Unable to check for updates and no option to change the LED color on my local controller (Non Docker).

Resolved with Control Firmware 1.0t